Valentine's Special : A Kiss For A Treat

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Mingyu is bored . It's Valentine's day and he has no one to spend the day with . He wanted to ask Wonwoo the day before to be his date for the day , but Wonwoo told him he wants some freedom from that building before Mingyu got a chance to speak . Wonwoo already went out , making Mingyu pout his mouth , upset because he's left all alone on this said to be a wonderful day . He turns his body , facing his side of the wall . He sees a small pink sticky note , strangely looking at it , wondering when did he ever out it there . Mingyu looks at it closer , noticing a beautiful and neat handwriting . He reads it slowly , still half asleep . "I'm out for some fresh air at the mall . Sorry I didn't say goodbye and if you're reading this please look under your pillow - Woo ^^" Mingyu covers his head with his blanket , sad that Wonwoo's not here . He looks under his pillow anyways because he's curious . He finds a chocolate bar that has a small note . He opens it up and it says "This is dark chocolate , as you know it's famous for it's bitterness , but also it's sweetness . Which describes you , a bittersweet person - Woo"

Mingyu who was pouting a minute ago draws a small smile , but then continues being sulky because Wonwoo didn't wake him up , yet to even tell him that he's going somewhere , or even caring to invite him to breakfast . All he knows is that Wonwoo is probably using the money he gave for some food , exactly his intentions when he gave Wonwoo the paper notes . He opens the chocolate and eats it to fill his hunger , which still didn't make him any happier despite that chocolate was given from his friend or as he knows Wonwoo as his "guilty pleasure" .

"I miss him ." He gets up to get a shower . He's not sure where is he going specifically . He's thinking about going to the new café . Minghao said the coffee and cake is very good and it's moderately priced . He finishes showering , drying his hair and dressing up . All he needs to do is style his hair, which is always trouble for him .

"UGH MY HAIR IS SHIT" He gets mad and gives up . He already gave up to wear anything and wants to just crash on his bed . Suddenly he sees a full pair of clothes prepared for him , hanging on his bed's corner . Yes he's just now noticing it .

He didn't remember putting it there , but he might know why it's there . Just as he suspected , he finds another note from his roommate . "I noticed how you struggled with your hair everyday so I thought to myself since it's our day off you might want to go out but got frustrated so here's a cap for you - Woo^^ " while reading , Mingyu lifts up the clothes hanger with a jacket , black shirt and a cap .

He puts it on and rushes out , afraid he'll lose the bus . He manages to make it in time , barely making it into the bus . He sticks his hand inside the bus , knocking on the door bus getting the driver's attention . He hops on and headed to the the desired place .

When he was walking towards the café , he sees a lot of couple walking together , hugging each other and some are even kissing each other as in nobody has eyes to watch them . Mingyu who's walking besides them just looks at the couples with questions in his head whether he'd be like that with someone soon , hoping that he'll be happy like that with a flower of his heart , his forever lover , which he actually lost hope in finding .

When he reaches the café , instantly an ad catches his eyes . "Valentine's Day Discount for Couples" . In a big pink and red Ombre poster , he just looks at the poster without any emotions because his mood for the day is just hanging on by a thread , barely even holding onto the dinky weak string .

"Hello there , do you want me to fix you a table ?" Said the waitress who is standing in the front entrance holding a menu .

"Sure " Mingyu follows the waitress towards a table , pulling his cap slightly down .

"So as you can see in front of our store there's a promotion for valentine's day , which we'll give discounts based on some stuffs you need to do . With your partner , of course . According to this promotion , if you kissed your partner on the lips , we'll give a free dessert of your choice ." Mingyu just listens in disappointment . He was about to order a cup of coffee when he reaches into his pocket and finds his wallet is missing . He didn't want to get up and leave because that is way too embarrassing for him . As he is about to leave , he looks outside the window and sees..... guess who ? yes , it's Wonwoo , standing outside outside squinting his eyes trying to read the menu .

"Can you reserve this table for me real quick ? I'll be right back " Said Mingyu to the waitress .

"Sure . Take as long as you want " Mingyu rushes out to see Wonwoo . Wonwoo who's too busy reading the menu doesn't notice his roommate , Mingyu coming over to him .

"Woo-ahhh "Mingyu calls for Wonwoo while shaking his shoulder , making Wonwoo realize his roommate is standing right by his side shaking his shoulder , calling him .

"Yes yes what ?" He stuttered while answering that .

"Are you eating here ?"

"Planning to . Why ?"

"Kinda embarrassing to tell but I forgot my wallet "

"So do you need some money ?"

"I need you to come inside with me this instant ."

"Sure " He goes into the shop with his arm being pulled by Mingyu .

"Oh are you back ?" Said the waitress .

"Yes ."

"And this is you're ?"

"Friend " Wonwoo answers , shortly and quickly . Mingyu on the other hand feels like he was friendzoned , again . He punches Wonwoo's shoulder loudly , expressing his frustrations through his face . Wonwoo who's looking just grabs Mingyu's hand quietly and locked his fingers between Mingyu's , taking Mingyu around 15 seconds to notice .

"Well this promotion would also accept friend as long as they follow the orders "

Mingyu whispers into Wonwoo's ear about the promotion , making Wonwoo slightly blushed . He looks at Mingyu in embarrassment , but he's focused on the promotion for now . Mingyu who's looking at Wonwoo draws a barely visible smile , slightly amused .

"Are you guys down for it ? Or just a normal order ?"

'I'm down for free food " said Wonwoo .

"Well then you know the drill !"

Mingyu who's on the side pulls Wonwoo in for a small kiss . Wonwoo didn't really want to do this but if it's free food he would lick the toilet for it . Their lips collides but after a hot second Wonwoo pulls out of embarrassment . Mingyu is confused why Wonwoo did that .

"Well you're gonna have to do more than that " The waitress seems unimpressed . More to , enjoying it . Before Mingyu could say anything Wonwoo grabs him by chin and went for the kiss . This time , with more emotions .

"Okay congrats you lovebirds you just won yourself a free dessert . Here's the menu , pick anything you'd like " She says that while handing them the menu .

"The sundae seems good ." Wonwoo suggested . Mingyu on the side wipes his lips a little bit , wiping off Wonwoo's taste . He kind of tasted strawberry , probably the lip balm he saw on Wonwoo's table earlier .

"We'll take two sundaes please " Wonwoo orders .

"Any specific flavor request ?"

"No thanks" The waiter leave s with the menu towards the counter , placing their order in .

"Thanks for helping me " Mingyu whispers , shyly , covering half his face with his sleeve .

"Anything for you , honey " Wonwoo teases Mingyu .

"Hey ..." Mingyu said it while covering his face so that Wonwoo couldn't see him blushing .

"What ?" Wonwoo asks while smiling , trying to take a look at Mingyu's face .

"Also your lips are dryer than the Sahara desert didn't you at least put on some chapstick ? Come closer I'll put on some " Wonwoo pulls Mingyu closer . He takes out a lip balm and start applying it on Mingyu , gently .

" I'm sorry . I was in a rush so I must've forgot to use some . But thanks "

"I understand"

"Also may I ask what did you mean by me being bitterswe-"

"Here are your sundaes " Before Mingyu could finish his sentence , the waiter has already gave them their sundaes .

"Anything else ? A coffee cup is sold for 3 dollars today , no matter the size"

"Can I order a medium mocha Frappuccino please ? Here , put it on this card " Wonwoo orders himself a drink while he has the chance , handing a credit card his mother gave .

"I thought you were going to use the money I gave you ?" Mingyu whispers , slightly disappointed that his hopes that is as tall or more than the almighty Burj Khalifa itself , crushed to dusts .

"Babe do you want anything ?" Mingyu who has busy eating choked on his sundae when he heard what Wonwoo said .

"I'm sorry ?" He struggled to say that because he was coughing .

"I asked if you want anything , babe ?" Wonwoo laughs at Wonwoo , teasing him in satisfaction .

"I'd have a large iced cappuccino please thank you "

"Your order will be served soon . You can come grab them up front . I'll return with your receipts and your card , just a moment sir ."

"Thank you . Love your guy's great service ." Wonwoo is really amazed by the cafe's service , praising them for the incredible serving . "Slow down on the ice scream baby . You'll literally chow down the whole store with this kind of appetite"

"Why did you call me that ? Twice ?"

"Because I can ?" Wonwoo snickers . Mingyu heard what Wonwoo said and his face suddenly decided to do a red paint explosion , turning his whole face red . He quickly chows down his sundae and places it on the side .

"Calm down baby that ice scream is not going anywhere . Besides , stop covering your face . I hella like that cute ass shy face" Wonwoo sits closer to Mingyu , wrapping his hand around Mingyu's waist , slightly lifting Mingyu's shirt , playing around with Mingyu when he has the chance .

"Hey what's with the hand ?" Mingyu wants to move it but can't because he's sort of , enjoying it . He holds Wonwoo's cold hands , grabbing it and placing it on his head , signing Wonwoo to give him a little ruffle .

"You are a big baby ey ? Cutie" He pinches Mingyu's cheeks , ruffling his hair as he wanted .

"Stop teasing me please ?" Mingyu begs .

"You wanted it though , kind of deserving it now I think about it"


"Okay okay I'd stop , babeee", just as Wonwoo said he'd stop , he teased Mingyu again .

"Wanna go make out in the bathroom ? I'm missing your kiss already" Mingyu said it randomly .

"I'm sorry ? I mean , sure but not here . Too obvious . Besides what made you question that ?"

"Was crying earlier because I couldn't feel your lips first thing in the morning , now shut up "

"Okay I won't , but please don't cry again ? I hate seeing you cry "

"Sure "

"I should get going though , anywhere you're headed ?"

"Nowhere . No money "

"I see . Need some ?"

"A twenty would be good"

"Here" Wonwoo hands him a 20 dollar bill .

"Thanks ."

"Let's go ?"

"Yes "

They both walked up to the cashier . He gave Mingyu and Wonwoo their drinks and the receipts . Once they got out of the store , Wonwoo kisses Mingyu's cheek , whispering "Get back safe my baby " In a deep , husky voice . Mingyu rubs his cheek , still feeling Wonwoo's warm kiss on his cheek . It's been a while since Wonwoo's kissed him so don't be surprised much if Mingyu acts shocked if Wonwoo kisses him . But all he knows is that Wonwoo's lips is probably the softest , yet the best tasting he's ever kissed in his history of dating . Not to mention that he's missing Wonwoo's hugs and kisses when he hasn't asked Wonwoo out yet let alone be in a relationship with him , so it makes it weird for him to be kissed when he's not in a relationship .

Mingyu is in the taxi , staring out the window . The driver tried to start a conversation but Mingyu ended it in one word everytime , making the driver give up . While he is out the window , he thought to himself , "Whatever happens , he's always my valentine's day no matter if I have no date , he's romantic in my heart , he makes my day , everyday , every night" .

He arrives at the university , paying around 5 dollars to the driver . He left the driver no tip and when the driver asks him about any tip , he just said "Shut the fuck up you fatass bitch . Next time shut your sluggish mouth up if the passenger isn't interested in talking" . Mingyu walks his way to his dorm , having mixed emotions whether to feel happy because of Wonwoo or feel like burning the driver in hell because of how inconsiderate of him .

He finally reaches his dorm . He opens the door , taking off everything he is wearing except for his underwear . Mingyu crashes onto his bed or so he thought is his , but only the bed's owner is his . He turns his body all over Wonwoo's bed , savoring the smell of Wonwoo's soft and pleasing scent , hugging Wonwoo's small teddy bear , thinking it's Wonwoo .

It's obvious how obsessed he is with his lover , especially because his own baby ass boyfriend is his mother fucking roommate , just how will he not miss him ? He just hope that he will never get sick of Wonwoo , because his fucking attitude can never NOT get sick of the bitches he's been with .

But he knows Wonwoo is different , he's been missing Wonwoo's lips interactions with his ever since their lips took off of each other's , which is the first time he has ever felt something like that . He's just missing Wonwoo , or metaphorically calling him his bed , he himself being the bedsheet .

He just wants to wrap himself all over Wonwoo , tightly , wanting to tuck himself under Wonwoo , while being above him , complimenting each other .

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