Chapter 1

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Authors Note at the end!! please read.

Kendall/ Ureathias' Pov
I woke up to a horrible dark place. I saw no one except a man with a gold hat that kinda made him look like a sheep with long tusk. I took deep breath and tried to make the ache in my head go away.
Kendall: Where am I?
The Man: A cell
Kendall: And you are?
The Man: Loki
Kendall: Why am I in a cell?
Loki: I need your help.
[Location: Stark Tower, the Avengers all sit around a table enjoying a meal they're all their except Thor]
Tony: Ya remember that time we went to see The Longest Ride? Us that was horrible
Bruce: It wasn't to bad
Tony: You say that like you liked it
Bruce: I'm not saying I li-
[Bruce is cut off by the window of the dining room breaking and Ureathia standing there in a tight purple and black jumpsuit, her hair is now tied up in a delicate crown that has a huge price of an almost purple tesseract in it]
Clint: Who is she?
Natasha: Oh my god
Tony: Wow I'm Tony, may I help you? (He got up and pleasurely walked over to her but he gets close and she pushes him back with her magic)
(Steve grabs his shield, Black Widow her gun, Clint his arrows, Bruce hulks out and Tony gets his armor)
Steve: Miss, you may want to rethink
Ureathia : Do I?
Tony: um yes we're the Avengers
(Ureathia gives a petty frown and shoots Steve and Tony knocking them to the side, Natasha shoots and Hulk smashes, Clint is awed by her beauty. Soon they're all tired of fighting her and getting no where, they eventually give up)
Tony: What the hell are you?
Ureathia : You're worst nightmare
Tony: What?
Ureathia : In a way I was sent here from...Hell
(Ureathia looked at them disgusted at what her fath- I mean Nick set up for her to compete with)
Ureathia: I hear you like nicknames Tony, let me reissue some?
(She walks to Natasha)
Ureathia looked at Natasha, studied her flashed her eyes purple, and said "Murderess"
"You say that like you're not " Natasha replied, Ureathia sent her a dirty look, she next walked over to Bruce or the Hulk at this point " Ogre" she whispered. Heft up to smash her but she blocked him, she got to Tony "Playboy " She winked at him. To Clint "Killer" he still was starstruck by her. When she got to Steve she didn't know what to say, she cocked her head to the right, "Virgin" she whispered in his ear and slightly licked it. He shuttered at her presence. They all were very pissed at her and what she was doing.

Tony: What do you want?
Ureathia : I don't know
Steve: Seriously what do you want?
Ureathia : I don't know
Natasha: What do you mean you don't know?
Ureathia : I don't know okay??!!!! (her voice echoed all over the tower and some of NYC)
Steve: Natasha call SHIELD
(Natasha contacts SHIELD and soon the helicarrier is above them. Maria hill and Agent Coulson are there)
Maria: Who is she?
Coulson: That can't be...
Sorry this chapter is so short, and stuff. A lot will happen in the next chapter though, if I get at least 5 votes I'll continue!!! ❤❤

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