Part 2// Chapter 5

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AuthorsNote: Hi! So glad to see that people still enjoy this series even without updates and all that mess! I know there's a lot to read before you get here, but I have so much content for this story and I'm so happy to share it with people who really enjoy it! So enjoy this chapter!

[Thor's castle, the party are all in shock as they walk in through the doors]
Thor: This is the throne room.
(Tony immediately runs up to the throne and sits on it)
Tony: Ha I'm the King of Asgard
Pepper: Get down from there!
Tony: fine (he hops down from the chair and follows the group, a couple places later, they're near the bedrooms)
Thor: This one is my parents (he extends the door open to reveal a room with a large bed and fancy decorations in it) Don't worry no one's home
Thor: This is my room (he shows them a room decorated with thousands of souvenirs and heads of beasts and his hammer hanging on the wall)
Thor: Now we go to Loki's room! (he opens the door which reveals a bed but occupied with Loki and Kendall, they're both shirtless. Kendall not completely shirtless. But them making out, they all stand in shock)
Thor: Get some, brother! (Loki chokes and looks up from Kendall and to the group of people at his door, he starts to run red)
Loki: What are you doing here?
Thor: What are you doing here? The royal family is not suppose to be home at this time!
Loki: Which is exactly why I'm here!
Kendall: What are the rest of you guys doing here?
Natasha: Dinner party
Thor: Don't mind us, just go ahead with your way. Guards, please bring us chairs, we shall watch Loki and Kendall!
Loki: What?!
Bruce: Yah, what?
Laura: Not appropriate.
Thor: We are going to watch Loki and Kendall get some!
Kendall: No
Thor: Is this not what you do in Misgard?
Kyle: No
Thor: Then what do you do?
Tony: We have a thing called porn.
Thor: what is this porn you speak about?
Tony: It's
Pepper: Stop! We should ask Kendall and Loki if they'd like to join us.
Loki: God no
Kendall: Actually we'd love to, Thor rained on my parade.
Thor: What do you mean I rained on your parade? You had a parade?
(Kendall shakes her head and gets up out of the bed along with Loki, they're both shirtless)
Tony" Can you put a shirt on?
(Loki and Kendall go and pick up their shirts)
Tony: Oh not you, Kendall.
Pepper: Honey, put on a shirt.
Kendall: Gladly
(Kendall and Loki get ready and follow the group around the castle)
Thor: Here we have the dining room, where we sshall be enjoying our dinner. Do you like shutzenbeig?
Loki: No
Laura: Im sorry, what is Shutzenbeig?
Thor: It's boiled bird
(They all go "oh" and sit down at the table, the servers bring out a piece of the bird part for each on of them, they begin eating, EXCEPT lOKI)
Thor: Brother, how come you wont eat?
Loki: I refuse to eat bird liver
(Peppr's food falls out of her mouth in disgust, all the forks drop, Kendall smiles and takes another bite, Kyle throws up)
Tony: Oh my god
Laura: It was really good though
Bruce: Bleck
Natasha: Thats not good for the baby
Kendall: Baby???
Kyle: Yes
Tony: I'm sorry what???
Natasha: Guys, Kyle and I are expecting.
Thor: This is wonderful!
Kendall: Natasha, you can't be pregnant.
Natasha: Believe it, we found out 2 weeks ago. I'm 6 weeks pregnant!
Tony: I call hacks
Kyle: Natasha and I would like to invite you to our wedding celebration, we decided for something small.
Bruce: I'm sorry, when did you get engaged.
Natasha: 6 months ago
Kendall: Almost a month after Steve died? Natasha, you proclaimed your love for him, your heart rest in his cold barren hands.
Natasha: My heart belongs to Kyle now.
Kendall: Natasha. Please don't do this to yourself.
Natasha: Do what? Get married and raise my family? This is what I've always wanted, Kendall. You always try to take away my happiness?
Kendall: Happiness? Sleeping with a 50 year old man whose wife we work for is not happiness! It's not my fault, we got kicked out of the servant house and sent to the Donkicode!
Natasha: Yes it is, I was going to create a happy life for us Kendall, we were going to live in luxury.
Kendall: No we weren't not in your condition
Natasha: It's your fault I lost that baby, you overdosed me, kendall. You took my happiness. Our keyway to a happy life was there.
Kendall: That wasn't going to be living, that would be a lie, that child would have not had a childhood, I for one would know what it's like. (her eyes start to tear up) that servant h-house. (Kendall gets away from her seat and runs away)j
Natasha: Kendall, wait!
(she goes after her)
Tony: What?
Bruce: The key to Kendall's insanity! Found by one loevly assasin.
Pepper: My two best friends. (she follows after her)
Kyle: I think I need a second to get used to all this.
Loki: My poor poor Kendall
(Natasha and Pepper come back into the room)
Pepper: We can't find her
Natasha: the guards haven't seen her either.
Thor: We shall look for Kendall! But Natasha and Kyle shall stay here in Asgard.
Natasha: What no! I know where we should look for Kendall.
Kyle: But you're pregnant and our wedding is Saturday. And tomorrow you have Steve's funeral. Maybe we should all rest.
Tony: Honestly, we'll be fine we do this stuff all the time.
Kyle: Natasha, can I talk to you?
(Kyle and Natasha enter into a different room)
Kyle: Maybe you should stop working for SHIELD
Natasha: Why?
Kyle: We're about to start a family.
Natasha: A lot of SHIELD agents have families.
Kyle: Natasha please
Natasha: Kyle, I told you who I am and what I do, even a little of what I've done. And you said you accepted me. SHIELD is a part of my life, and so are you.
Kyle: ok (he kisses Natasha on the cheek and leaves the room, Natasha follows)
(Natasha and Kyle enter into the other room)
Natasha: Alright, I'm coming with you.
Bruce: You're coming with me
(Natasha and Bruce get transported out of Asgard and into the Stark Tower)
Natasha: What?
Bruce: Why are you moving on so fast?
Natasha: I can't hold on to people forever, Bruce.
Bruce: But you also need time to heal.
Natasha: It's too late! Kendall is gone, Steve is gone, I'm about to get married. I have to move on.
Bruce: Whatever you say, Natasha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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