Chapter 6

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Steve's POV

I walked out of the hallway and into the holding cell area, they had taken Ureathia and bolted her down to the table. The people working on her were about to start. Thor was in the room with her asking questions and if she didn't answer them they'd slowly slice their way down her arm. Thor asked a question and she nodded, nothing happened. I guess she must be really scared.

Thor asked another question and she didn't answer, he nodded to the people and they put a bucket under her arm and slowly sliced it creating a long scar that would be there forever, but I noticed others too. Ureathia began to cry out in pain and all they did was pour boiling hot water on her arm.

"Extreme interrogation right" Tony said amused, while eating a bag of popcorn.

"You're enjoying this?" I asked in disbelief.

"No but little Miss Assassin is she made the popcorn"

"Natasha? Please,"

"Oh she hates Ureathia, you know, they trained together until Ureathia pushed Natasha off of a cliff, due to the fact she didn't like her"

"That's one reason to hate someone"

We looked back at the room and watched as tears slowly dripped down the cheek of Ureathia. Thor told them to stop, he exited the room.

"What's going on in there?" I asked.

"She wouldn't fess up to anything"

"That's because Kendall has been tortured her whole life" Coulson said walking up to us.

"How she only lived on Earth till she was 5" Bruce said.

"When Kendall got to the tesseract, she didn't swallow it exactly, that thing was the size of the tesseract now , she did lick it and slowly but surely became addicted, it's like meth, it's horrible the first time but then you get this constant urge then she just swallowed it, but the tesseract was going to die, or explode, and it needed a place to stay. Why not a 3 year old, human little girl? but then as it began to run it's magic and power through her veins, it burned her. We brought her to this exact room and tortured her to test the powers of the tesseract, Nick couldn't stand it every time she'd cry out 'Daddy' so eventually he stopped watching and that's why he's not here today," Coulson told. We all stared at him. Isn't it wrong to torture a 3-5 year old child?

"So you took a 4 year old girl and tortured her?" Tony asked slowly.

Coulson sighed and said "Well she was 3 at the time actually and it wa-" Coulson took a deep breath and exhaled, "that sounds terrible doesn't it?"

We all nodded.

"I have to start the questions again, Steve want to join me?" Thor said, I nodded.

When we walked into thee room I could hear Ureathia breathing heavily.

"Let's get this started shall we?" Thor asked looking down at the questions, "why are you back on Earth?"

Ureathia looked him dead in the eye and said "Cause I freaking want to, it's a free world isn't it?"

"Ok, next question, did you kill your mother?" Thor asked

"It depends on your definition of kill," Ureathia said mischievoiusly, Natasha walked in.

"Hey boys, do you mind if I take a try?" Natasha asked, Thor nodded but explained he wanted to stay in the room, but I exited.

Thor's Pov

I looked at Ureathia and wondered why someone like her would take out an entire realm just for the sake of evil.

"Are you working with Loki" I asked out of the blue, while Lady Natasha was asking questions. Ureathia frowned, "Ooh you got me," Lady Natasha frowned, "Well now I can ask more questions?"

Ureathia sighed and nodded for her to go on.

"What is your and Loki's plans?" Natasha asked. Ureathia stared her in the eye, "If I just say something it counts as an answer right?" Natasha looked at me and looked back "Um yes" Ureathia then said "Freaking wait and see". I walked out of the room after that it's been 6 hours and we've got nothing.

So short chapter but we learned about Kendall's past, trust me it gets better!!!❤❤❤❤ Ill update tomorrow or maybe later tonight, idk

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