Chapter 4

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Momo's POV

It's been a week since Sana and I started talking and I really like her honestly I can tell she likes me too, maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend. But for now Im preparing for my school I decided go to school because of Sana so I can watch her I heard my phone rings it's my manager I quickly tap the call "Hey Momo, it's your first day at school today? You sure you don't want any guards?" I smiled my manager really cares for me he even knew about Sana "It's ok Oppa I have Sana remember" he laughed at me "You really liked this girl don't you? Just asked her to be your girlfriend already" he said "Yes oppa later after school". I ended the call and walked to my car finally I can walked around that school without a mask on.

Sana's POV

Momo didn't text me this morning, Im now walking to my first class and sat quietly at the back, suddenly the teacher walked in but I decided not to pay attention I miss Momo I want to see her. "Class we have a new student guess you all knew her but still introduce yourself miss" My classmate all cheered and suddenly I heard a familiar voice "Hi Everyone Im Hirai Momo hope we can all get along" she smiled at me I don't know what Im feeling right now but Im happy really happy, I heard they cheered to her again "Ok class settle down, Ms. Hirai sit next to Sana over there, raise your hand Sana" I raised my hand and she looked at me happily she sat down next to me, "Surprise babe" she winked at me I swear this girl would be the death of me and suddenly our classmates started talking to her and that Samantha girl who's basically we all knew that she's openly gay "Hey Momo wanna have lunch with me" she winked at Momo, I don't know what to feel do I feel Jealous? I looked down to my notes just to avoid their conversation.

"I'm sorry Im with my friends this lunch" she refused I smiled "It's Nayeon, Dahyun, and Mina" she whispered argh I slightly hit her arm "You're not my friend babe" she bit her lip "Pay attention to class" I ignored her but Im blushing she just muttered 'ok'

We walked to the Cafeteria and I can tell all the students are looking at us "Momo!" The three girls shout and run towards Momo to hug her "I missed you guys" Momo said.

*time skipped*

I didn't saw Momo I guess she did go home early I walked towards the gate and I saw a familiar car the Yellow Lamborghini, her car's different this morning she's leaning to her car and as usual she have her masked on different this time because she have flowers in her hands.

I walk towards her and hugged her "Hi I thought you'd leave me here at your first day" I pout "Don't make that face Minatozaki or Im going to kiss you" she smiled and I pout more "Kiss me" she kissed my forehead "Not here let's have dinner" she op...

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I walk towards her and hugged her "Hi I thought you'd leave me here at your first day" I pout "Don't make that face Minatozaki or Im going to kiss you" she smiled and I pout more "Kiss me" she kissed my forehead "Not here let's have dinner" she opened the door for me and just so I know Im now sitting on a fine dining restaurant.

"You ok?" She looked at me and she hold my hand "Do you like your food? Should we order some more? Or you like to go somewhere? Are you ok with—" I cut her off "Im fine Momo, thank you for this, do we have something to celebrate?" I asked her.

Momo's POV

I took out the box with the ring inside "Minatozaki Sana? Will you be my Girlfriend?" I looked at her and she looked shocked "Oh my, O-ofcourse yes!" She said happily I hugged her and surprisingly she kissed me, I kissed her back this is the best thing that God could give me.

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