Chapter 9

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Momo's POV

We finished our breakfast and went to Sana's bedroom again when I received a text from Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung: Moguriii Im back! I have a lots of stories to tell youu open up Im here at your door!

Me: Like right now? Im not home Chae.

Chaeyoung: Then Go home Moguriii plsss! Imissyou :((

Me: I miss you too Chaeng, see you <3

I looked at Sana who's peacefully scrolling through her phone "Babe" I called her she looked at me "I have some urgent meeting I'll call you back when I get home ok? Iloveyou" I kissed her forehead.

"Ok take care please update me hmm? Iloveyouuuu babyyy" she hugged me one more time.

I arrived at my penthouse and saw Chaeyoung inside already "How'd you get in?" I asked her.

"I have my ways Momo ya" she hugged me and I hugged her back "I miss you" she looked at me "I miss you too Chaeng, How's US?" We sat down.

"Ugh lots of boys you know, I have to meet my fans and everything" she rubbed her eyes and remained close. "I'd go back to school" I whispered and she looked shock "No wayyyy I want to go back too" she pouted.

"Ask Simon Oppa if you can still enroll to my school" she raise her eyebrows "What's special about the school huh?" I smiled when I remembered Sana. "Ohhh you got a boyfriend huh"

"Correction it's a Girlfriend" I chuckled "Can I see her?" She asked me when I went to reach my phone in my pocket my phone's not here Oh God.

"I forgot my phone at their house" I let out a sighed "I should go back" Chaeyoung shooked her head "Let's have lunch first Mo, Sana can always bring your phone at your school" she took my hand and press the elevator to the ground floor parking lot.

Sana's POV

I knew Momo would forget her phone so I walked to the parking lot to take the elevator. I saw two women walking towards Momo's car I know that's Momo they seemed sweet. I don't know what to feel maybe I should let her explain first but that doesn't look like a friend she told me she has a meeting why would she lie to me.

I took a cab to go home I didn't bother to give her phone back she seemed to enjoy her company.

I woke up it's monday again, I looked at the mirror I didn't realize I cried my self to sleep. I took a shower and go to school.

When I entered the gate I saw Momo walking towards to me I mean I can't avoid her so I let her be, "Sana do you have my phone? Im sorry I left it on your house yesterday" I reached her phone on my pocket and proceed to walk inside the classroom.

She sat beside me and whispered "What's wrong baby?" I ignored her instead I wrote on my notebook 'Dont talk to me' she looked at me confused 'I saw you with that girl yesterday' 'I saw your text messages' I started to tear up.

"Sana let me explain" she said it too loud so our classmates turn their heads towards us we just smiled "Hmm for the project" she lied.

"Sana please let me explain" she whispered "She's my—" she was cut off by our teacher. "Ok class as you all know Momo here is an Idol but how lucky our school was" they all cheered when the girl walk inside our classroom the girl that Momo has been seeing since yesterday.

"Good morning Guys I'm Son Chaeyoung, I hope I could be friends with you all" she bowed and Our teacher signal that Chaeyoung to sat in front of us.

She walked towards us and hug Momo "Good morning Babeeee" she said Oh God kill me now.

"Chaeng please this is my—" I cut Momo off "Ms. Can I go to the clinic Im not really well right now" I lied I just wanna cry but the teacher did let me go "Do you want me to take you" Momo said concerned "No" I answered coldly.

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