Asgore and toriel

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Gaster hummed as he headed to where asgore and Toriel was at, he had decided to finally tell the two after talking to grillby about who to tell first.

Gaster was still thinking on wether or not to use a pun in telling the both of his friends.

He will probably decide on it on the last minute when he was in front of the two, he's going to go with the flow on that part.

Gaster decided as he headed right up into the castle, silently humming to himself with each step he took towards where both the queen and king were at.

Then Gaster paused right before the doors that should have both asgore and toriel within that room in front of him.

Gaster stood there for a few minutes, silently hyping himself up on telling his two friends about his pregnancy.

Then Gaster nodded to himself and entered the room, spotting both of them right away.

Gaster silently walked over and the two noticed him.

"Ah! Gaster our friend, how are you?" Asgore said with a smile.

"I am doing fine." Gaster responded.

"That's good to hear." Toriel told Gaster, smiling.

"Now did you come here to talk?" Asgore asked looking curious.

Gaster just nodded, taking a small breath before opening his mouth.

"Your majesties...what do you call a monster with more then one soul?" Gaster started out, silently kinda regretting starting off with this kind of pun and not another.

"What?" Toriel asked smiling.

"A momster." Gaster told them and they both blinked and toriel started laughing.

Asgore stood there for a minute, processing what Gaster said before his eyes widen.

"Gaster..are you?" Asgore started out while Toriel was finally catching her breath from laughing at the pun.

"Yes. I'm expecting." Gaster responded and they both looked delighted at the news.

"Congrats!" Toriel told Gaster happily.

"Yes congratulations Gaster." Asgore said with an excited look.

"Yes, thank you. Also, it's twins." Gaster kinda blurted it out.

Asgore looked more excited at the thought of it. "That's great news! Oh I can't wait to see what they look like."

"How far along around you Gaster?" Toriel asked him looking curious.

Gaster paused and thought to how many weeks it has been since he found out he was pregnant.

"Four weeks." Gaster responded back.

"Ohh ok, so we still got a long while to go before you even give birth." Toriel responded to that and Gaster blinked at that.

Gaster let out a hum before listening to the two talking to each other and to him.

Gaster let that continue for a long while before he took his leave after saying goodbye to the two and headed to work.

He pulled out his phone when he felt it buzz, looking at it and noticed that it was grillby asking how it went.

He replied back to grillby, "it was fine. They were excited about it."

"That's good to hear, then we can talk more about it when we go back home" Grillby responded and Gaster responded back with an ok before he put his phone back up and entered his office.

Gaster relaxed into the chair before he started on his paperwork.

Finished with 608 words.

Hope you all like and comment what you think.

I'm skipping some things.

Well hope you like the pun I tried.

Also help! I'm out of ideas for the next few chapters


Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans, papyrus
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/swap
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/gold
Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/rus
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/starshine
Horrortale, sans/horror, papyrus/sweets
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Xtale, sans/cross
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Killertale, sans/killer
Reapertale, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/geno,
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void

Might include a few aus don't know yet


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