Just Introducing and maybe some healing..

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Gaster and grillby both sat on the couch as they waited for whoever else would be coming.

Since this sans wanted everyone to be introduced so they knew who was who before the day ended.

So they waited until more showed up.

"Ok so uh..yeah we already told them the machine malfunctioned but we didn't tell them that it brought a grillby and Gaster here..." sans mentioned as they newer skeletons stared wide eyes with surprise at Gaster and grillby.

Gaster waved slightly.

And one of them blinked at Gaster, a bit startled.

Gaster smiled a little amused. Maybe he shouldn't say anything about being pregnant yet and surprise them later? Hmm..now that's a thought right there.

He wonders how long it will take for them to realized it?

"Ok let's introduce everyone." Swap said.

The rest just nodded and one stepped up, " I'm edge." Underfell papyrus replied with a hint of boredom.

"Red.." underfell sans said.

"I'm sans and this is my brother papyrus." Sans mentioned with a wink.

"I'm the magnificent blue! And this  is my brother swap!" Blue responded excitedly while swap waved a little bit.

"I'm black. My brother is gold." Black said and gold just nodded a bit.

"I'm blackberry and this is rus." Blackberry said with a hint of boredom.

"I'm Killer." Killer said with a grin.

"Call me outer, my bro's starshine." Outer said with a grin.

Gaster looked over to horrortale version, he wonders if he can help regrow that broken part of his skull?

Because ever since those memories of some random person hit him of certain aus and some timelines...

He's done some things just in case if he ever had the chance to help some of them if it was all true that he saw.

And regrowing things apart of a monster like a limb has become easy for himself. So maybe...he can help regrow some parts of a skull?

Gaster thought, staring at horror and his brother. Maybe he can fix horrortale papyrus teeth while he's at it? Hmm...

Horror on the other hand, was staring Gaster down because Gaster was looking at him and his brother for a reason. He's not sure if he wants to know the reason...

"I'm sweets, and this is my brother horror." Sweets said a bit joyful.

"Before anyone else introduces themselves to us..may I check to see if I can..heal you a bit?" Gaster asked looking towards horror and sweets and everyone else blinked.

Grillby sat up straight, "no Gaster. You need to save your magic."

Gaster glanced to his boyfriend, "yeah I know but I want to try..."

Grillby looked disapproval towards that.

"Yes yes I know I know. But I can't very well leave two skeletons who look hurt alone how can I?" Gaster responded to grillbys look.

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