One week later and edge

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Gaster stared a bit amused as edge cornered him, "your expecting, aren't you?"

Edge narrowed his eye sockets, as if daring gaster to try and lie to him about it.

"Of course I am. Though there wasn't much information about skeleton monsters and I'm pretty much one of the last few in the underground and wasn't told how pregnancy works for skeletons let alone those who mixed with another race like grillby's would end up like, I don't regret it." Gaster replied back, edges eye sockets went back to normal as he stopped narrowing them at gaster.

Edge huffed a bit, "regardless, each au is different so it might work differently with that. But I'll do my best to help I suppose, can't leave an expecting monster hanging when their a version of your parent or even brother or Freind."

Gaster just smiled a bit fondly, "thank you edge, that is very kind of you."

Edge huffed a bit, slightly turning his head away to try and hide a blush at the compliment he received, not expecting to be thought of as kind.

Gaster just looked amused and fond at that, "guess I'll be relying on you and grillby from here on out until after the I have them."

Edge blinked and turned back around proudly, "but of course, I the great and terrible edge will be around to help out an expecting monster!"

Gaster just smiled at that, "alright then, I guess I'll be seeing more of you then when you're not working."

Edge just looked proud, he figured it out before anyone else did, well expect for reaper, and maybe grim, but that was to be expected of grim reapers, who can sense souls. So the fact that he figured it out before even any of the other sans was an accomplishment in edge's opinion.

"But of course, you'll be seeing more of me." Edge was also planning to take some time away from work to help around with gaster, of course only after his application for slightly less work was accepted.

Red wasn't surprised that edge ended up working at a school just because there was a lot of children and monster children, that was because in their world, any child had was hidden and well protected by family until they were old enough to be outside.

So it wasn't often one could see a monster child, which edge and red were fond over children.

Edge more so when he ended up dusting some monsters who tried to kill a monster child. Not on his fucking watch.

So of course he was going to be more aware of expecting monsters and be more attentive towards expecting monsters and the soulings.

It was just common sense for him to need to be able to sense those kinds of things when he's aware he should be sensing for it.

Of course ending up working at the library at a school did surprise most of the others, but the fell's and someone like papyrus understood why edge ended up working at a school in the first place, it was easier to protect children this way if anything were to happen.

He's heard of the shootings, of the drills, and other shit like that, and like hell would he allow any child under his protection to get hurt let alone killed, not on his fucking watch...

He will not allow it, especially at the school he worked at, the other fell's had agreed and work at different schools as precaution, just in case the children needed to be protected or escorted out of the school.

One can never know how much precaution they should take but might as well take every precaution one can do.

Edge thought to himself, of course he was still going to be working on the week days when children were in school, but on the weekends he was definitely going to be here more often than not.

He will leave the school by the time every child at school leaves and not a moment sooner.

After all, he did not want to find out just because he left a bit earlier than usual, that a child ended up getting snatched or something.

So edge was just waiting on the application for his work to be a bit lessened so he can leave shortly after the children all leave.

He had finally confronted gaster about expecting when he was aware of it when he realized he should be feeling for it as precaution.

Which he was pleased to notice that his senses did not dull at all.

Gaster was just amused but didn't say anything else as edge seemed to be slightly distracted with thinking before just heading off to get something to eat and leave the other to think in peace...

Finished with 877 words, less words then usually but I finally managed to update this chapter, nice.

Hope you all like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans, papyrus
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/swap
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/gold
Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/rus
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/starshine
Horrortale, sans/horror, papyrus/sweets
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Xtale, sans/cross
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Killertale, sans/killer
Reapertale, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/geno,
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void

Might include a few aus don't know yet


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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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