Please eat

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I got a lot of yes' for a part 2 of Why are you like this so here it is!! You'll want to read part one first so this part will make since.

William- Underlined

Henry- Normal

Italic- any of the kids ( Will be specified )

⚠TW- Angst, Mentions of drugs/Use of drugs, Toxic relationship, Eating Disorder, Throwing up, Yelling, Cursing⚠

Henry's Pov

I wake up on the bathroom floor. I get up stumbling, I was really tired. I walk over to the sink and look in the mirror. " Got I look terrible " I thought to myself. I had dried tear stains on my cheeks and dark circles under my eyes. I run warm water from the sink and splash my face with it. I head out of the bathroom and go down stairs to the kitchen to make food for the kids. I hear someone walking down the stairs. I turn around to say good morning. I see that its Michael. " Good morning Mikey! " I say with a smile on my face. " Good morning papa " Michael said back. I turn back around and finished making the food. I turned around and looked at Michael who was sitting at the table. " Could you go get your siblings for breakfast please " I asked Michael. " Yeah I can do you want me to get father to? " Michael asked. " No I will get him " I said. Michael walked up the stairs. I put the food on the table and prepare myself to go get William. I walk up the stairs. I walk up to me and Williams door. I hesitate for a minute, I take a deep breath and open the door. The room still smells of weed. I see William sitting on the corner of our bed with joint in his hand and an ash tray on his knee. " Hey do you need something? " William asks with a sleepy look on his face. " Uh yeah I made breakfast for everyone if you want some. " I say shyly. " Oh yeah that sounds amazing i'll be down in a bit. " William says then takes a puff off is joint. " I love you hun " I say hoping to get a response. " Did you say something? " William tilts his head as he says that. " Uh no it was nothing " I say trying to hide my sadness. " Ah alright go ahead i'll be down. " William says. I see him put out his joint while I close the door. I head down stair and put a smile on my face so the kids don't think i'm sad, even though I am. I get to the kitchen and see all the kids sitting at the table eating, and Michaels talking to Ennard. " Good morning papa!! " Sammy yells excitingly. I head over to the coffee pot and make a pot of coffee. After the coffee is done brewing I pour myself a cup and William a cup. I sit Williams cup down next to his plate and walked back over to the counter to grab mine. I lean against the countertop slowly sipping my cup of coffee. " Aren't you going to eat papa? " C.C. asks. " No i'm not that hungry thanks for worrying though. " I say. I lied I was extremally hungry, I hadn't eaten the past couple of days. I haven't been able to work up an appetite, I have been to depressed and can't make myself eat. Anytime I try to eat something I can't keep it down. I have been losing a lot of weight because of this. " Maybe William will finally start to see me as attractive again because of this " I thought to myself. I snap out of my thought when I see William stumble down the stairs almost slipping on the last step. William makes his way over to the table. Without saying a word William starts to eat his food. " Good morning father, how are you?" Michael asks. William doesn't say anything he just continues eating. I see that Michael had a sad look on his face when William didn't say anything back. " William? " I say a bit louder. " Hmm " William says looking up with food on his face. " Michael asked you something " I say making sure that he hears me. " Ohh ah alright, What did you say Michael? " William says looking at them. " Oh I just asked how you were doing. " Michael says to William. " I'm doing fine " William says quickly before stuffing his face with food again. I see William finish his food chug his coffee and head back upstairs. Elizabeth, Charlie, C.C., and Sammy all finish their food and thank me. They all head their separate ways, Charlie and Elizabeth go to Charlies room, Sammy and C.C. go to C.C.s room. I see Michael say something to Ennard. Ennard nods and it goes into the vents. Michael walks over to me.

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