Piggy back rides

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Elizabeth- Italic and Underlined

William- Underlined + Bold = Thinking

Henry- normal

" Hey daddy can I have a piggy back ride? "        " Sure sweetheart "   Crouched down and Elizabeth hops on his back " Hold on tight "   Runs around the house " giggles ".   William runs into Henry  " Oh I'm sorry Hen "      " Oh don't worry about it hun "   " You good liz? "    " I'm fine daddy! Can i get down though? "      " Yeah sweetie here you go "     Bends down to let liz off his back. Liz runs off to go play with C.C. William looks up at henry. Henry looks like he wants to say something maybe I should ask him what's on his mind     " Hey Hen what's up you look like you want to say something "    " Hehe Its nothing " " I can tell there's something on your mind love. you know you can tell me anything right? "     "  mumbles  "    " What was that Hen? I couldn't hear you "      " * Flustered * I want a piggy back ride to "     " You could have just said that come here shorty "    " Don't call me short! "    Henry climbs onto Williams back   " You holding on? "     " Yeah "     " Where do you want to go? "     " To the couch "   William walks into the living room with Henry on his back. * Sets henry down on couch*    " Hehe Thanks babe * gives William a kiss * "     " Anything for you my little bear "     William sits down next to Henry and puts on a tv show. They both doze off in each others arms.

Hey everyone i'm sorry that this is short and for not making an actual post in awhile. Anyways this short story was requested by Jmckinney113. I hope you like it! It may not be the best but I hope its what you wanted. Also I have been thinking about writing about my Au to let you guys now everyone better let me know if you'd want that. Have a great day or night!!! 

Blank ~

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