Eulalia's Story

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"When I was younger I used to live in a happy household on a lovely farm. With my mama papa and my little brother and sister. I used to play with my siblings and act out little plays for them with hand stitched puppets."

She chuckled sadly and continued. "But one day when I was around 14 years old. My papa found out I wasn't his. Apparently I was born from an affair my mama was having with the guy who bought supplies from our farm. My papa out of anger and sadness decided to blame me. He still loved my mama but no longer loved me. He one day sold me to an old man he met in the market."

Bruno was shocked and held her as she continued. "I didn't even know till the man came and took me away. I cried all night in the strangers house. But I admit it could have been a lot worse. He actually was a very nice man and treated me as if I were his own daughter. You see that's actually why he bought me. All of his children died at young ages and his wife died a week before so he was lonely. Years went by and I was happy. He had a lovely field of fig trees and I made all kinds of treats to sell in the market. But alas age caught up to him and he died in his sleep one day. Sadly he was a pretty stubborn man in denial. He used to say he would live forever. So he didn't bother to make a will. Which means I was alone with nothing at the age of 24. No will means I couldn't legally claim anything since I wasn't his daughter. That's when the men came and took me away and took everything the old man owned."

Eulalia sighed and continued, "after that I went from place to place finding work wherever I could. Then two years ago I met a young couple who needed help with their farm. They had two young children one two years old and the other three years old. So I offered to help with the children and the farm if I was allowed to stay. They happily agreed and I became sort of like a nanny."

She smiled at the memory of them and then her face turned sad again. "About a month ago the young man's elder brother showed up. He was only three years younger than me. He was on the run and needed a place to stay. I could tell this must of happened before because the young man wasn't even surprised by his brothers request. He stayed and a few days later began to-"

She cut herself off and held herself protectively. Bruno understood what she was trying to say. "He wouldn't stop no matter what I said."

Bruno nervously asked, "did he?" Eulalia looked over at him and shook her head. "Thankfully I'm a force to be reckoned with. No he didn't do that. But he got so angry one day that he. Well he snapped. He came after me with so much fury I was terrified. I ran as fast as I could. He caught up to me and stabbed me with a pitchfork."

"That's how you got hurt." Eulalia nodded, "you wouldn't be scared if I told you I killed him. Would you?"

She looked over at Bruno pleading. "No no of course not. You almost died because of what he did. Let me guess he stabbed you and then you stabbed him back."

She nodded crying, "I did, I swear I didn't mean to kill him. I was just so scared and wanted him to stop. I stabbed him in the neck and he choked on his own blood. So I ran and ran. Next thing I knew I was passing out in this river and waking up in your room."

Bruno held Eulalia close as she cried. "I'm so sorry you went through that." She shook her head and smiled standing up. "It's fine, you know I feel a lot better just getting that all off my chest. So thank you."

Bruno stood up and nodded. "Umm sure no problem, would you like to head back now it's almost lunch time."

Eulalia nodded, "yeah food sounds amazing right now." They headed back to the Casita.

Dolores heard Eulalia's entire story. She didn't know what to do with this new information. How will lunch pan out?

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