Chapter 9: Krysstianna

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Damn it all....i just wanted to sleep! My stupid alarm shrieking its protest, would not shut up for the life of  me. Ty, forgiving my violent outburst yesterday, bursted in my room snatching my warm blankets from me, letting the cold air seep into my skin.

          "Come on sis! Get up! We got school, get up! Get-" His words were cut off by my pillow smacking him in the face. I am not a morning person, wake me up and you pay the concequences.

              " Jeez... you didn't have to throw a pillow at me. Well at least you are up now" I sent an evil glare to him and he backed up and got out of my room before you could say kentucky fried chicken.  I could hear my brother run down the stairs and yell that "the grinch is awake" and start laughing.

             "Dumb brother..." i mumble as i get up and head to my bathroom. I glanced in the mirror, man I looked like I just had a fight with an  electrical socket. I try to brush my hair and made super frizzy, so I just gave up and went over to the shower and turned it on. Once the water got hot enough I just jumped in with my pj's on ( which just consisted of some shorts and a tank). With the hot water slowly waking me up, I grabbed some conditioner and tried (unsucessfully) to run my fingers through my hair. I quickly rinsed out my hair and dried it, thanks to Ty pounding on the bathroom door.

            " Hey are you gonna stay in there forever!" He yelled and pounded on the door. I swung the door open and threw my wet towel in his face.

              " going to stay in here for an eternity. Just leave me be so i can get ready Ty.." i shut the door on him. I laughed a little hearing him sputter and complain that about how i ruined his hair and how is he suppossed to get attention from the girls blah blah blah.  I ran the brush threw my hair and pulled it into a ponytail at the base of my neck, brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom and into my room, while leaving a trail of water in my wake.

 I pull off my wet clothes, threw them on my floor and grabbed the clothes i picked out yesterday. Sighing I pulled my clothes on, the jeans and shirt clung to my curves, which made me slightly uncomfortable so I pulled my long black Tapout jacket on.  I glanced at my alarm clock, quickly grabbed my backpack, ran downstairs and out the door. I hopped onto the enduro and as soon as my arms wrapped around Ty, he sped off to school.

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