Flashbacks hurt

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Alaina Rose Lèon

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Alaina Rose Lèon

Opening the door and he wasn't there. After hearing a groan I realises how hard I actually had slammed open the door from all the nerves building inside of me.

Kai focused his attention towards the noise questioning me what it was. Playing it off by letting him know I had just stubbed my toe whilst walking into the room.

Ambling around the room to reveal my excessively decorated bedroom. Making sure not to direct the camera towards the opened door so he didn't notice the figure hiding behind it.

Luca could have made it out of this room by the time I was showing him around but I think nerves of getting caught were eating at him too.

Kai being Kai  wanted to see every intricate detail in my room which was why the call lasted for more than half an hour. Luca the poor guy had to stay there listening to the unexciting conversation happening between us.
After we said our goodbyes, I informed Luca, I had ended the call.

Obviously Luca being a drama queen he is, he strutted out holding onto his knee. The two days we had been together, I had at least found out that he likes to overreact a ton.

"You probably bruised my knee by how hard you slammed open the door."

Seeing how serious he was my lips twitched with the upcoming grin. The laugh I held in whilst he was trudging towards me came out and when I first started I couldn't stop. It wasn't even that funny but the image I made of him just stressing when I was about to enter this room replayed in my head. Tears welled in my eyes; I was laughing so hard.

Luca broke out in laughter but didn't know why he was laughing. His contagious laughter impelling me to laugh harder then before if that's possible. I'm practically wheezing. It just makes it funnier because he doesn't even know why we're laughing. I haven't laughed like this in ages but I can't lie it felt nice.

But I dont think its going to happen again.

After we calmed down we returned to the living room. Whilst I reinstated in my corner beside my canvas, Luca reseated on the couch. He did end up staying for 2 more hours, I still don't know why. We made small talk but most of the time he just watched me painting. It felt calming to know for once you didn't feel lonely. Kai was always there but wasn't always physically there.

"Angel I have to go now. I'll be here for another two days before my business trip in case you want to ask me something." Instantly I raised my head knowing he was talking to me. Kai had different nicknames for me but this. This felt like there was something swirling in my stomach.

Even though he didn't use my name I immediately knew he was referring to me. The nickname even gave me a little bit of butterflies. Just a little, I promise.

"Okay. Thank you for wasting my time" I flashed my most fakest grin towards him which was well known to Kai.

"Your welcome" And with that he left.

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