Chapter I

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"Hey, Tanjiro!" Nezuko and I say as we see him walking down the mountain with a full basket of charcoal on his back.

"Hey, Nezuko and Tsukiko!" Tanjiro responds.

"We're going to go put Rokuta down for a nap now," Nezuko says with Rokuta tied onto her back, "otherwise he would throw a fit. Ever since dad passed, he's been glued to your side." 

"It seems that everyone has been glued to your side, Tanjiro," I say as he strokes Rokuta's head. 

"See you when you get back!" Nezuko and I say as Tanjiro heads down the mountain.

We put Rokuta down for a nap and went on with the rest of our day like normal.

Once it started to get dark, Nezuko when to get Rokuta up as I helped our mother cook dinner. I wonder where Tanjiro is. It's starting to get dark. "Mom, shouldn't Tanjiro be home by now?" 

"He's fine, if needed, there's people in town that would let him stay the night. Don't worry."

"Okay," I say breathing a sigh of relief. He's fine. We don't have to worry.

Nezuko and I help set the table. As we are, we hear a knock at the door. Our mom goes to open the door. There was very handsome man with red eyes who was well dressed.

"Oh, come in! You must be freezing!" My mom says to the man outside. "Tsukiko, go get another plate for our guest." 

"Yes mom." I enter the kitchen and get a plate for our guest. I hear cries and screams, but I didn't realize it at first till I caught whiff of the scent change in the atmosphere, and there was also this very sweet scent that I've never smelled on a human before. I run with the plate to back to the table, but at the doorway into the dining room I stand there, the plate falling to the ground shattering as I take in the scene.

The hot man is in the middle of the room covered in blood mom, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. When I look out the door there's Nezuko on top of Rokuta, as if sheltering him. I head towards the door running, but as soon as I get outside, I don't make it more than five feet when something hits me from behind and I fall face-first into the snow. I quickly roll over and see that it is the man that was in our house. I get on my knees and look up at him. Damn! He's hot. I spread my arms wide saying, "It would be an honor to be killed by someone as hot as you. Thank you for leaving me for last, it's an honor."

"Well then, let's see if you can handle a larger amount of blood than the large amount I gave your sister." Damn! Even his voice is hot. Something pokes me in the neck and everything fades to black. What did he mean by "like your sister"?

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