Chapter XIII

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Tanjiro collects a blood sample from the demon and there's a meow. Tamayo's cat appears and Tanjiro puts the blood sample in the bag that's on the cat's back.

The one in the boar head runs off to find more demons I assume and we head off to find Kiyoshi and Teruko. Running down to the hall we stop at a room where we can smell their scent.

"Kiyoshi!" Tanjiro shouts. "Teruko!"

As we enter the room they start to throw things at us.

"Why are you throwing things at us?" Tanjiro asks loudly.

"Hey, it's okay. The demons aren't going to get you. We... Got rid of them."


"I talked with them. You won't ever see them again. Come on. Let's get out of here. Tan, are you going to carry Kiyoshi, or am I?"

"You're still healing, right?"

I reach a hand up to my neck. "Yeah but now it just cut the skin."

"I'll carry him."

"Got it," I say, and Tanjiro picks Kiyoshi up onto his back.

As we leave the building, the one in the boar head is attacking Zenitsu who's covering Nezuko's box.

Tanjiro goes to stop them and I open a bond between Nezuko and me.

Are you alright?



"Pull out your sword and fight, you cowardly weakling!" The one in the boar mask shouts.

"Enough!" I shout. "What's going on here?"

"Tanjiro, Tsukiko... I've... I've been protecting it because you guys said it's more important than your life."

"Move out of the way! Fight me!" The one in the boar head shouts as I walk between him and Zenitsu.

"No. Tan."


"Get Zenitsu and the box away from this dude."

"How are you still alive?" The one in the boar head shouts as Tanjiro gets Zenitsu and Nezuko away from us. "I cut off your head!"

"I healed."

"You're going to die!" He charges at me, two seated swords in his hand.

I summon a wall of ice, surrounding his swords as he swings them at me.

"Your sister's a demon!" Zenitsu shouts.

"Yes. But I'm a demon slayer. It's not nice to try and kill your higher-ups."

"You're not higher than me!"

"Yes, I am. I killed an upper moon. Here are your swords. Don't try to kill me." I melt the ice with fire. The one in the boar head takes his swords and charges at me. "So, you're still going to try and kill me."

I smell Tanjiro running up behind me and I open a hole to a swamp underneath me. Then I open another hole, appearing near Zenitsu just as Tanjiro punches the one with the boar mask in the stomach.

"Stop! Aren't you a member of the Demon Slayer? Do you want to know why Tsukiko and Zenitsu won't pull out their swords? Because it's taboo for members to draw their blades and fight one another! And you're enjoying yourself while others are in pain? You really are despicable!"

"So that's how it is. I'm sorry. Let's fight with our bare hands then!"

"Tan, you got this? Your bones are still broken."

"I've got it, Tsu! I'm fine!"

"If you're sure."

"I am!"

"Alright. Remember, it's not taboo if you're defending yourself."

They start fighting, and the one with the boar head attacks low. A Tanjiro counters the attacks by attacking low, the one in the boar head gets so close to the ground that he dodges Tanjiro's attack. The one in the boar head twists his body and kicks Tanjiro's head from above, slamming his head into the ground.

"I'm awesome, right? I'm awesome, right?" The one in the boar head shouts. "I can even do this position!" He shouts as he bends backward so his head is between his feet.

"Don't do that! It's bad for your bones! Don't do it or it will deteriorate your bones! Calm down!" Tanjiro shouts as he collides heads with the one in the boar mask.

The mask falls off revealing that the guy has a pretty feminine face.

"A woman's face?" Zenitsu shouts.

"What did you just say now? Do you have any complaints about my face?"

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