Chapter V

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When we get to Urokodaki's house, Nezuko is still asleep and we set up three new floor mattresses in one of the unused rooms. We get Nezuko into one of the beds and then we go to sleep even though it's light out.


When Tanjiro and I awake, the sun is just starting to set and Nezuko is still sleeping, having not moved a muscle. When we emerge from the room, Urokodaki is waiting outside and we walk over to him.

"I have a test for you. To make it up and down the mountain by sunrise," Urokodaki says to us. "I'll watch your sister for you guys."

"Thank you, sir," Tanjiro and I both say bowing.

We run up the mountain to a clearing at the top. "This is going to be easy," I say my breathing even. "There's no obstacle in sight."

"Don't under estimate him. This is a test," Tanjiro says to me when we arrive at the top.

"Okay. Lets go," I said starting to run down the mountain. "How about we split up so we depend on ourselves."

"Yeah, good idea."

I run off to the left, while Tanjiro runs to the right.

"Good luck!" we yell to each other.

As I'm running I don't notice the trap till it's too late. The log comes swinging down at me hitting me in the side and I hear a crack. I hunch over in pain knowing that I broke one or more ribs. Miraculously, it heals right away with no pain at all. Wow! That must be part of being a demon. I smell Urokodaki faintly on the wooden beam trap and a string on the ground.

I take a deep breath in closing my eyes and breath out opening my eyes. My surroundings are sharper and so are my senses. I run straight ahead but don't realize the second tripwire and the log trap again. I pause and realize that everything seems to be in slow motion and I duck down, avoiding the trap. That should have hit me. Why didn't it? I decided to ignore it and went on down the mountain. I caught a whiff of all of the traps and avoided them all.

Even with my enhanced senses, I only beat Tanjiro by five minutes. Though, he did look pretty beat up. We run to the back of the house spotting Urokodaki and go up to him.

"You made it in time."

"Yup," I say.

"Did you guys team up?"

"No, we stayed together on the way up, but on the way down we went opposite ways," Tanjiro says.

"I see. Your sister Tsukiko beat you by five minutes and it doesn't look like there is a bruise or anything on her except dirt. While you have scratches and bruises all over you. Why?"

"Mabey it's cause I'm a demon and I can heal quicker. Also, my senses and physical abilities were greater than when I was human."

"Well, we shall start your training soon. Go get cleaned up."

Thank you for choosing to read this story. I'm so glad to have hit 100 reads.

A special thanks to:
ShiroKagura60 and GachaMayUwu

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