Chapter VIII

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After seven days of killing demons, my spread and regeneration have increased. Now when I get injured it heals right away. Also, I'm able to cut the demon's head off in one stroke.

As we enter the clearing, we see that there are only four other survivors.

"Congratutlations, you are the only survivors," the twins say in unison. "In the Corps there are ten ranks."

"Kinoe," the black-haired one says.

"Kinoto," the white-haired one says.









"You are all Mizunoto, the lowest rank," the twins say in unison. "You all will have an assignment crow. We will get your measurements for your uniforms."

One of the survivors goes up to the white-haired twin and grabs her by the hair.

"I want my katana now!" the boy shouts gripping the hair harder.

That's when Tanjiro and I had enough. I roll my neck and walk up behind him as he walks to the side and grand his wrist.

"Release her," I say, my voice void of any emotion.

"Release her before I break your arm," Tanjiro adds.

I walk from behind him saying, "Let her go." My hair flowed behind me.

"Like you could do anything. I'd like to see you try."

"You sure about that?" I ask as anger surges through me.

I'm able to keep my face void of any emotion and the wind blows my hair behind me.

"I can and will break your arm," Tanjiro adds, his face deprived of the normal joy.

I say to the boy telepathically, I can easily kill you. 'What?' He thinks as his eyes widen releasing her hair and steps back clutching his forearm.

"What was that?" he asks fear in his voice. "And who are you?"

I can tell that the last question was pointed at me.

"That was me, Kamado Tsukiko," I said staring at him my anger fading away. "Don't ever touch someone like that."

I got no response from him but we got fitted for our uniforms and then we went to a table with multiple ores on it. We each chose one.

We were all told that our swords will be delivered to us once they were forged. On our way back to Urokodaki, Tanjiro was barely able to walk, so I carried him on my back.

"I can't believe we're actual demon slayers," I say.

"Me neither. I hope we can find a cure for you and Nezuko."

"Actually, I rather like being a demon."


"To start, it's easier to kill other demons. Secondly, I have different abilities I've never had. So it's a win-win."

"True. I'm guessing you're the first-ever demon to be an official demon slayer."


I set Tanjiro down and we're walking towards Urokodaki's house when there's a loud crash and the door comes off its hinges. Tanjiro and I see Nezuko at the same time and run to her as she runs to us.

"Nezuko! You're awake!" We say at the same time and we hug.

A special thanks to:
ShiroKagura60 and GachaMayUwu

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