Chapter XI

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I wander around for a bit and I find a small park with a large wisteria tree in the middle. I walk over to it, the sweet smell of the wisteria strong, but not overwhelming. I settle at the base of the tree and lie there against the trunk. It's still early in the morning and I feel the events from last night catching up to me as my eyelids become heavy. I give in and fall asleep.


I open my eyes, seeing that it's dark out. I notice out of the corner of my eye something flying at me. I move my head out of the way and the item impales itself in the tree. I look at it and see that it's an icicle.

I stand up, brushing the dust from my haori, I look around for the one who threw it. I spot someone with blond hair smiling from where the wisteria stops.

As I walk towards him, I notice that he has a spot on top of his head that looks like an ink split facing from red to black. When I'm in front of him, I see that his eyes are rainbow and have the kanji for upper rank two etched across them.

"So, you must be Doma," I say.

"Yes. What were you doing under the wisteria?"

"What did it look like I was doing? I was sleeping."

"Follow me."

He leads me through alleys and I ask, "Why did you throw that icicle at me? Also, how did you have and icicle?"

"I threw it to get your attention."

"Why not walk over to me?"

"Demons can't go that close to wisteria. How can you?"

"I shouldn't give all my secrets at once. Now how did you have an icicle?"

"My blood demon art."

"Oh, like this," I say as I open my palm face up, ice rising out of my palm like an icicle.

"Were here," Doma says standing infront of a door.

We walk in and then as I hear the sound of a biwa, the room changes to an open room with six demons in it, not including Doma and me. Doma heads over to where the demon with six eyes and the demon with blue tattoos all over his body, and stands in between them.

I walk in front of them and ask, "So where's Kibutsuji Muzan?"

Looking at them, I see them all gasp and bow.


"I'm right here," a calm cool voice says from behind me.

I turn to face him. He's changed out of the bloody clothes and put on a black suit vest and pants with a white shirt underneath.

"Why are they bowing?"

"'Cause, that's what you're supposed to do in front of the Demon King."

I walk over to him, stepping up onto the platform that's elevated just a bit.

"Then what would I be?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Lower than me."

"Let's fight. Isn't that how demons settle their power rankings?"

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