Hunting Vampires (Part One)

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Your footsteps are quiet, despite the rush and fervor of the Beacon Hills High hallways. Your eyes are trained not on the throngs of people surrounding you, but on one person in particular, someone who's tending to stay in the quiet, shadow-struck corridors instead of staying out in the center like everyone else. They're hesitant, it seems, and you don't trust them at all.

Your hand reaches for a hidden pocket on the side of your backpack. No one in the school sees you undo the latch and pull out a wooden stake, one that's been chiseled and honed to perfection. You've been hunting vampires for a long time; this is practically second nature. The boy, with his back turned to you, won't know what hit him until it's too late. You start to smile at the thought of ridding the world of one last monster.

Your eyes are fixed on his hunched status, the odd way the light gleams from his eyes. One more step, and then you'll be there. Your arm raises slightly, stake held high and ready to strike. Just before you can plunge it into the vampire's heart, he turns slightly, and you're knocked from your reverie. This isn't a vampire- it's just another student. What you'd thought was sallow skin and the eerie hue of the undead was just the poor lighting of the school fluorescents.

You quickly shove the stake back inside your backpack, and after a cursory glance around, you realize that no one has seen what nearly happened. This is good, because it was a foolish mistake to make. You know better than that, don't you? You aren't a newbie to the vampire hunting world anymore, so you can't afford to slip up like that.

Feeling rattled, you slip back into the throngs of students still crowding the halls, allowing yourself to be carried along by the tide of high schoolers while you think. You don't know what came over you- you're usually very careful, both to get the job done and to not get caught. Beacon Hills is a town full of supernaturals, both good and bad. You have to be careful to make sure you won't get caught, so you can avoid a ton of unpleasant questions.

It's not like you have a vendetta against all supernaturals, not like the other hunters of the town. No, your hunting hobby began with the murders of your family several years ago. You had come home to find the bloodied bodies of your parents and siblings lying around the house, a group of vampires feeding on them. You're not sure how you managed to escape, but you did, running into the forest and away. You had to kill one of them that day, with a tree branch, and ever since then you've been a vampire hunter.

You've been searching for good vampires, something to prove that not all of them are like the monsters that killed your family, but so far you've come up with nothing. Yes, Scott McCall and his pack are good werewolves, just like the alpha pack from earlier were bad. However, you've yet to find friends in any vampire. They're too bloodthirsty and too set on killing humans to redeem themselves.

Since that day, you've dedicated your life to trying to track down the vampires who killed your family so you can have a final piece of vengeance. You've yet to find them, but that doesn't mean you've stopped searching. Over the years, you've killed many vampires, which means that you should have known better than to make today's mistake. You shiver slightly. What's gotten into you?

A voice behind you makes you jump slightly, distracting you from your thoughts. "Y/N, that you?" 

A second later, Isaac Lahey walks up beside you, wincing slightly. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. How's your morning looking?" 

You smile up at him, glad for a relief from the pressing thoughts of your past. "Not too bad, actually. It's a good day, I think. What about you?"

Isaac grins. "Well, it's a good day now that I get to see you. Also, Scott and the others were talking about taking an expedition out to the Nemeton again to make sure nothing's wrong with that, and..." 

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