Dating Isaac Lahey Would Include...

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-Let's be real- dating Isaac Lahey is so much fun

-Despite all of the threats plaguing Beacon Hills from day to day, just seeing Isaac is enough to make you forget all of them

-You and Isaac probably have the exact same style of humor, too

-Sarcastic one liners to the max, exchanged one after another until even Stiles can't match it

-Eventually, it gets to the point where neither of you have to say anything, one look between the two of you and you're both wearing the same smirking grin

-It's even funnier when you consider the fact that between the two of you, there's likely only one brain cell, and Isaac gives it to you every time

-This is the "I might have been on watch last" guy, right?

-Tbh, it just makes missions that much more enjoyable, especially when it means you have to be sneaking in and out of hunter locations

-Picture it: you and Isaac doing your best to stay silent, but one of you starts laughing and you have to press your hands over your mouth so no one hears

-Very loud whispering when you see something

-Holding hands when you run, the kind of thing where you're both doing your best to physically pull the other forward

-That being said, Isaac is probably very protective of you

-One of the boys on the lacrosse team starts winking at you during a game? You'd best believe the guy is on the ground, writing in pain within a half second

-Isaac is likely also the type to come stand right behind you when some hapless boy is trying to flirt you

-He might pepper in the occasional sarcastic comment, mainly for you to hear, but mostly he just stands and glares until the guy gives up and leaves you alone

-You've tried to call him out on it a few times, but he just grins, kisses you, and says that he's just making sure the guy stayed away

-And if you're in danger from a hunter or something?

-Isaac is over there in a heartbeat, eyes glowing gold and claws and fangs out

-He's charged into fights with impossible odds about a hundred times, all if there was even the slightest chance of you getting hurt

-Although he's really good at fighting, he's probably pretended to need a kiss on each and every injury "just to make it heal, Y/N, come on"

-Needless to say, having Isaac Lahey as a boyfriend is one of the best things ever :))

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