Hunting Vampires (Part Two)

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You're lying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. It's funny how different the same expanse of nothing can look depending on your mood. This time, it looks good, but then again, almost everything does. You started dating Isaac Lahey a few months ago and you still haven't gotten off of the high that comes with being with him.

Sometimes, you still can't believe that everything worked out the way it did. Could it really be true that Isaac realized what you were, a vampire hunter, and was still okay with it? Could he really have loved you the way that you loved him, in that reckless sort of sense that makes you feel like you want to run a thousand miles through the dark to reach him? As it turns out, the answer is yes, and it's a yes every time.

There's a slight movement to your left, and you turn with a smile to see your boyfriend shifting slightly where he lies. 

Isaac leans down to press a kiss to your temple. "Sleep well, Y/N?" You frown slightly. "I fell asleep?" 

He nods. "So did I. It's good to get some rest." 

You nod, rubbing a hand over your face to stave off the quiet exhaustion that seems to hang over you. "We might need it soon."

Isaac grimaces slightly in agreement. Despite all the moments like this, the quiet smiles and cute dates that can't come often enough, you can't convince yourself to fully let your guard down. For one thing, you live in Beacon Hills, which means that danger is only ever a week or so away, and for another thing, Lydia's started having visions again.

They're still vague. That's what she says, at least. All she can see is a dark night, the brief flashes of fluorescent lights, linoleum tiles under her feet, the sharp tang of blood in the air. The visions are sudden but short, and Lydia has no idea what they mean. She's had enough time to get used to this, of course- as a banshee, Lydia Martin has been host to plenty of premonitions about all of the awful things destined to haunt Beacon Hills. Right now, you have no choice but to believe her, and try to figure out what she's seeing before that day comes.

That's why you're here with Isaac, in part. It was his idea. Every time Lydia has a vision about some awful thing coming to Beacon Hills, he can't help but to turn to you, as if by spending more time together Isaac will have a better chance of protecting you from whatever monster is about to come your way. As it turns out, you can protect yourself, but he didn't know that until a few weeks ago when you revealed yourself to be a vampire hunter.

Old habits still stick, though, and so you get to spend your weekends by Isaac's side until the pack is certain what Lydia's visions could represent and how to keep yourselves safe. You've been doing your best to follow up on any loose ends, of course, but until Lydia sees more in her visions, you're just left in apprehension. This is the worst part of the hunt, the waiting. You'd rather go out and fight a thousand times then be stuck in the shadows and simply wait around for an attack to come.

Isaac must sense your unease radiating through your bones, because he pulls you close, a forearm against your ribs. "It's alright, Y/N. We'll figure this out. I'm not letting you get hurt, and I know you'll keep track of me, too." 

You force a smile; after a moment or so, you could almost convince yourself that it's real.

"I know, but still. I don't like thinking that we could be walking into a trap." 

Isaac chuckles quietly. "Of course we're walking into a trap. We do that every day, what with all the werewolf hunters and vampires around. The only difference is that this trap is different from the usual." 

You glance over at him. "You're not worried about it?"

He sighs, staring up at the ceiling as if he can see through it to the sky beyond. "I am. I just don't feel like getting too scared about something out of my control. Once we have a face to this premonition and something to fight, I'll be ready. Right now, though? I'd rather just stick with you and let all that fade away."

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