Surprise Party

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Scott McCall stands in front of you, arms folded tightly across his chest. He doesn't want to do this, you can tell, but you refuse to back down. You won't give in, not on this.

"Y/N, this isn't the right time. We're too busy to take on something new."

You shake your head. "I'm not going to let this go. You told me to pick my fights, and I'm doing it now."

Scott sighs. "You're sure about this?"

You nod, determined. "This is going to be the best birthday party in the history of parties. Isaac is going to love it."

Scott glances around to make sure no one is listening before continuing. "And you want to keep it a secret, why, exactly?"

You shrug. "Isaac has no clue that we even know when his birthday is. I mean, how many times do you get to pull off a surprise party that's actually a surprise?"

Scott weaves around a group of students before continuing. How is it that Beacon Hills High is only swarming with people right when you want to have a conversation that shouldn't be overheard?

"You're not wrong. So, what do you want me to do? And who knows?"

You grin, making Scott look even more nervous than before. "I was hoping you'd ask. I have an itemized list for everyone. I expect perfection and nothing less."

Scott grimaces at the thought of the work ahead. "He better like this, that's all I'm saying."

You laugh. "Oh, he will. Isaac will have no idea what's coming for him."

Thus begins a flurry of preparations for the best birthday party the McCall pack has seen in years. In all fairness, the last birthday party was Lydia's, and ended up with her getting possessed by Peter Hale and spiking the punch bowl with wolfsbane, so it's not like you have any real competition.

Regardless of past party experience, you intend on making Isaac's birthday absolutely extraordinary. He's become an invaluable member of the park, always watching everybody else's back and being surprised when they return the favor. It's hard to match Scott for dedication to friends, but Isaac is managing it nonetheless.

Besides, he's closer to you than most. You've been unsuccessfully trying to push away your feelings for the blond boy, but it's never worked. Every time that you swear to yourself that you are over Isaac Lahey, that your heart shall never again skip a beat when you hear his name, he casually loops an arm around your waist while you're walking or calls you 'sweetheart' because he says it's funny.

Basically, there's no way you're getting rid of your crush on Isaac, no matter how much you probably should. The only alternative, then, is to be best friends and pretend that it doesn't feel like a death by a thousand cuts to be so close to him and yet withhold the one secret you'd most like to share.

For now, though, you're acting like a friend, and friends never forget each other's birthdays. You had to go so far as to make Lydia ask her mom to look up Isaac's records so you could figure out when his birthday was, but no matter. This is going to be the best party ever. Isaac deserves that much. There's no way he's going to figure it out until the very day of the celebration.

Isaac starts to show signs of suspicion four days into the planning stage. He watches the pack with unusual curiosity, as if he can sense that something isn't right. He also starts to ask questions, each one framed so casually that you'd swear it meant nothing at all. However, they all have to do with what each friend is doing after school, whether or not you'd been together, if you'd done the homework. Seeing as you and your friends have been meeting almost every night to iron out every last detail of the party, this recent trend of analytical questioning isn't great.

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