In My Blood

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Every now and then, you look at your friends and wonder just how you managed to get here.

Take this afternoon: you're sitting at a lunch table, glancing around at the faces nearby. It's a bright, sunny day, and a gentle breeze is making nuisances of paper napkins and errant locks of hair. Around you, a light bubble of chatter eddies between tables and groups of students all across the grounds. Beacon Hills High School can be difficult at times, but right now, you're doing pretty well.

The main point for your self-reflection is the fact that only one person currently sitting at your table is human. Isaac Lahey and Scott McCall are both werewolves, Lydia Martin is a banshee, and Kira Yukimura is a kitsune. Stiles Stilinski is a regular person, although he's recently been possessed by an ancient spirit, so it's not like he's completely normal. And you? You're a water spirit, a mermaid. When did your life get this strange?

Technically, you've been like this forever. Being a mermaid runs in your family's bloodline. You found out you weren't human for the first time as a young kid, on the first instance when your parents let you go in a swimming pool in your backyard and your legs suddenly turned into one slick, scaled tail. That took a little bit to get used to, although now you barely think about it at all.

What was nice was meeting more supernaturals, when you could finally realize that you weren't the only weird one. Scott was the first werewolf you ever met, and he introduced you to Derek Hale and the rest. Your contacts with the greater mermaid community has come in handy on numerous occasions, whenever the Nemeton started acting up and the pack wanted to figure out what was going on.

Then you met the rest of Derek's pack, and you knew your life was about to change for good. Sure, it was nice to have your supernatural reflexes to be able to fight back against Derek's beta werewolves if they attacked you, but for one member of the rival pack, you did less fighting and more talking.

That one person was Isaac Lahey, and he may be one of the best things about your life. You'd seen Isaac in class, of course, but you'd never had a real reason to talk to him until Derek sent him to hurt you. It was supposed to be some message to Scott about how they should work together or at least stay out of each other's way so no one else had to be injured. The only problem was that Isaac couldn't quite force himself to go along with it.

Instead, the two of you had spent the afternoon talking, and realized that you'd never really want to be in a world where either of you were enemies. At the end of the night, Isaac had sighed and said something about how he didn't really want to break your arms or whatever it was that Derek had sent him to do. You didn't have any problems with that, of course, so you'd suggested another option: you'd deliver the appropriate verbal warning to Scott, and in return, the two of you could keep being friends.

That ended up saving your life and his on multiple occasions. Sometimes, the arguing would get so bad between Derek and Erica and the rest of the pack that Isaac would escape, electing instead to sneak over to your house and come in through the window you conveniently left open. You'd spent many late nights that way, talking into the early hours of the morning about how Derek couldn't figure out how to lead a pack without outright threats and Scott kept stubbornly wanting to see the best in everyone. When Isaac eventually switched to follow Scott instead, he cited you as one of the reasons he wanted to change sides.

It was also nice for you to have a werewolf on speed dial. As a mermaid, you were a target for hunters and rival werewolves alike. The problem with mermaids and mermen was something in their blood. There was a special property flowing through your veins that was incredibly toxic to werewolves, even more so than wolfsbane. You've been forced to evade numerous attacks by hunters looking to add one more weapon to their repertoire.

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