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"What do you mean 'you're holding it the wrong way?' There's only ONE HANDLE!" "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT? I COULD EASILY CHOP MY FUCKING LEG OFF!"

"Lou, the blade is supposed to face the LOG, not you!"

Louis turned the handle until the blade of the axe was faced to the log. "Better?" He asked sternly.

"Yes. Now aim for the log, and strike."

Louis hoisted the axe high into the air and swung forward, missing the log entirely. "Fuck!" He spat. "I cant do this shit."

"Yes you can. Here, I'll show you." Harry walked over to Louis and positioned himself behind him.

"You gotta make sure your legs are apart," He started, using his foot to lightly tap on Louis' inner ankles, signalling him to move his feet apart.

"Okay good. When splitting wood, you have to make sure that you apply enough force to your strike in order to split the wood apart. Having your legs separated reduces the chances of you..."chopping your fucking leg off" just incase the axe swings towards you after the blow." He explained.

Louis gave a firm nod and raised the axe above his head again.

"Woah, woah, woah, waitttt!" Harry laughed. He reached out and placed both his hands onto Louis', helping him hoist the axe to the correct height above his head.

Louis' face burned in a deep red the entire time Harry had been instructing him all the whilst thanking god that he was facing away from him; He didn't understand what was going on with his emotions lately but he needed them to go away and he needed them to go away NOW.

"Okay, squat and strike!" Harry instructed, releasing his grip off of Louis' hands.

Louis closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath before taking the strike.

"Oh my god! That was perfect!" Harry beamed, crouching down to pick up the sliced wood pieces. Louis opened his eyes at the compliment and stared down at his work with the utmost pride and joy.

"Thanks for that, Harry," He smiled, "but I'm never fucking doing that again!"

The two men laughed as they packed up all the wood pieces that had been chopped that day.


Louist91: NIALL

Louist91: NIALL



Leprechaun: Oh god what do u want

Leprechaun: I'm trying to fucking sleep

Louist91: niel, it's 10 o'clock in the morning, you should be in class...

Leprechaun: You think I'm not?

Louist91: Are u sleeping in Professor Xavier's class- yk what I don't give a shit I NEED HELP

leprechaun: clearly

Louist91: oi it's serious

Leprechaun: ughhh okay what is it

Louist91: this guy I'm living with right?

Leprechaun: Harry?

Louist91: Yeah him, do u think he's hot?

Leprechaun: tf?

Louist91: you fucking heard me, answer the damn question

Leprechaun: chill, holy shit

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