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I have realised that I've been getting less and less descriptive as each chapter carried out. I'll be focusing more on that. 💗💗

"Nice acting, back there..." Harry whispered as he shuffled closer to Louis underneath the thick covers. The room was quite dark up to the point where you could barely make out your hand held out in front of your face. Louis was and will always be a bit on edge when it came to darkness so, he smiled comfortably at Harry's movements toward him.

"...who said I was acting?" Louis asked slyly.

Harry's eyes widened. "But you- but you said that we'd pretend..."

"It isn't that hard for me to 'pretend' if I actually like you..."

What was he saying?! Wasn't he the same person who was suffering from an identity crisis not too long ago?! Did he not tell Liam a few hours back that being attached to Harry was a problem?!

"You actually like me?" Harry asked softly. Because of the darkness of the room, Louis couldn't exactly tell by Harry's tone if he was flattered or concerned.

Louis, shut up and go to sleep. He thought to himself. You're just leading him on.
But was he really though?


"Harry, do you... do you like me...?" Louis asked hesitantly.



"Of course I do, Louis. If I didn't, I wouldn't  have been so bothered to keep you around here..." He whispered with intense emotion. "God, you make me crazy." He mumbled quietly to himself.

"Harry, you're not-.."

"Crazy? Yeah, I am. I know it and- and so do you." He said harshly.

"What? What are you talking abo-..."

"Once you get used to the silence of this forest, every noise becomes loud. It's as if sound was never even supposed to exist and the fact that it does just makes me want to scream. Even in this house..." Harry paused and sat up. "...I hear everything. Everything."

Louis could tell that Harry was on the verge of tears from how shaky his last set of words were. He sat up and reached for Harry's thigh, squeezing it in reassurance.

"I heard your conversation with Liam." Harry said bluntly.

"From today?"


Shit, Louis thought in worry, he heard what we said about him...he knows that someone is coming to pick me up tomorrow...

"Are you at least going to say goodbye before you leave?" Harry asked sadly, trying to hold back his tears.

"Love, of course I will..." Louis said with a voice full of compassion.

Really? Was he really going to? That wouldn't exactly help his attachment issues.

"I'll be honest with you, I don't want you to leave." Harry said. "...and I think that's pretty obvious."

Don't say it, Louis don't say it...

"I don't want to leave either." Louis mindlessly blurted out.

Damn it, he said it.

"Then why is someone coming to pick you up?" Harry asked accusingly.

"If we're being honest right now, then I'll be honest. Harry, you scare me." Louis said, losing all softness in his voice. "You really, really scare me."

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