Rainberry vol.1

36 11 17

The Past

"Harry, you have a choice! Think about what you're doing for a second!"

Harry remained silent as he continued to run his fingertips along the assortment of ropes in the isle.




"HARRY! Won't you just fucking look at me?!"

Harry turned his head to face the other person, and stared at them with a blank expression.

"Don't give me that look..." The other said softly, "Harry, put that rope down and let's just go home." He suggested, gently removing the rope from Harry's grasp.

"You don't- no. I can't." Harry said firmly, shaking his head in dismissal. "No. I can't just sit here and let her act like she didn't just fucking- ugh!" He clenched his jaw tight as he picked up the rope again.
"I can't live while knowing the things she did..." He said, staring deep into the other's eyes. "Tell me, can...you...live like that?"

The other person only stayed quiet at this question, as they looked down at their feet with pity.

"Exactly. You can't."

"I don't think anyone can...but there are better ways to deal with thi-"

"Zayn." Harry breathed. "Look, I'm not forcing you to stay with me. I get it if you wanna leave, but you can't change my mind." He stated decisively.

"I'm not going anywhere. Not without you."  

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