The Mechanic?

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Louis was now backed up against the wall, shuddering in fear while Harry remained in his position near the front door, glaring at him.

"Why," Harry gritted, "did you call the mechanic?"

Louis' breathing became shallow and shaky as he stared at Harry, unable to speak.

"Well?" Harry snapped.

"You...," if Harry was going to bring Louis down, Harry had best be coming down with him; ran the thoughts of Louis. "You haven't answered my question from before." He spoke up, crossing his arms in defiance. He was referring to the question that he'd asked previously, about the metal hatch door.

Harry scowled at this and took two agitated steps towards the other lad, balling his hands into tight fists.

"That isn't something you need to know about," Harry sneered into Louis' frightened eyes, "That isn't something you need to know." As Harry repeated himself, Louis noticed how the man's eyebrows tilted in a look of slight desperation, how his voice started to sound like as if he were pleading for something. This wasn't the voice of some sort of cruel being, it was the voice of someone who was worried, scared, confused and conflicted. Louis could see through his dark persona that Harry was indeed struggling. Screaming for help, but why?

"Harry. I don't know what it is, but there's something about you..." Louis started, slowly as if he were walking on eggshells, "But apart from whatever shit that has been happening to me, you aren't okay. You're not."

Harry's frown slowly faded from his face and was soon replaced with the mere look of saddened eyes.
"What are you talking about? I'm fi-"

"No," Louis cut in. "No, you're not. You're obviously not. I can tell you're hiding something, and to be fair, at first, when I found out that you never called the mechanic to begin with, I was kinda creeped out..." he admitted, "But, I'm willing to understand why you want to keep me here." He stated with a slight air of confidence.

Harry stayed silent during Louis' little talk. He now wore that unreadable expression that he used to have when he had first met Louis.

"Harry," Louis' voice softened. "Let me understand what's going on, help me to understand." He said, stepping closer to Harry.

Harry's body stiffened as he felt Louis' warm hand wrap around his.

"You don't," Louis whispered, "you don't have to hide your thoughts around me. I wont hurt you. Let me know you."

And with that, Harry broke down into Louis' shoulder, sobbing and sniffling away.
"Y-you d-don't understand..." he stuttered between sobs, "the L-last time someone has s-said that to m-me, I- I-..."

Louis patted Harry lightly on the back, telling him to take his time explaining.

"I-I- led him down a path t-that he couldn't follow."

And with that, Harry pried himself away from Louis and descended down the left hallway, hunching his shoulders over in despair.


Leprechaun: Wait, so he found out abt the mechanic thing?

Louist91: yeah, and he seemed super pissed at the start

Leprechaun: And then?

Louist91: I said a bunch of things and then he started idk crying?

Leprechaun: damn lou that guy is an emotional roller coaster... better get outta there before he has you screaming on the ride

Louist91: ...lad...

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