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Louis tilted his brows in pity as he stared at the crying boy.

"S-so y-you think that t-he body in that room is m-my a-aunt?!" Harry asked through his sniffles.

Louis however already had a feeling of certainty that it was, but, he could not begin to imagine the type of emotional pain that Harry was currently being dunked into. He needed to give Harry some form of light; some form of hope. After all, it would do the pair a lot of good if the body had been DNA tested just to make sure Louis' assumptions were indeed correct.

"Well, we don't know for certain." Louis finally answered. "I know a friend that's studying to be a medical geneticist aside from psychology. Maybe he'll know how to do a DNA sampling of the body?" Louis offered.

Harry wrinkled his nose at the suggestion. "No. I don't care who he is, I don't want him here."


Harry's teary eyes were soon replaced by ones of fear. "I said I don't want him here." He snapped.

"Why? He's going to help us...he's going to help you." Louis argued.

Harry frowned and shook his head. "No. He's going to think I'm the one that did it. That I'm the one that killed her."

"He won't, I promise you. Anyone could tell that the body has been there for ages...I mean, just look at it."

"Well you couldn't! You literally blamed me for it just a second ago!"

Okay...that's true...

"What if he begins to wonder why you're still here? What am I going to say then, huh?" Harry continued.

"I'll just tell him that you're my boyfriend."

Harry opened his mouth to speak but then realised what Louis had just said. His frown had disappeared and he was now blinking at Louis with eyes of confusion yet wonder.
"Boyfriend..." He repeated, seemingly dazed at the thought.

Louis watched as Harry slowly began to take on a child-like manner and watch as Harry smiled cutely at him.

"You like the idea of that?" Louis asked, trying to hold back a small grin.

"It's not that bad..." Harry said, smiling slightly.

"So it's settled, then. I'll go text him."


Louist91: Hey Li, can u do me a favour?

PaintrainP: depends. What is it? Oh, and I'm not giving you any more photos of my boyfriend.

Louist91: boyfriend????!! Liam u never told me!!

In truth, Louis had already seen this coming.

PaintrainP: shit. I wasn't meant to. Please don't tell anyone...we wanted to keep on the low

Louist91: I won't, lad. Congrats btw

PaintrainP: thanks man. Now what did u want from me?

Louist91: r u free today?

PaintrainP: well, I guess...why?

Louist91: I need u to drive over here

PaintrainP: To Stille Baum?? Why?

Louist91: we've got a bit of a situation. I'll explain once u get here, but basically, we need you to run some tests...like DNA shit

PaintrainP: tf? Cant u go ask someone else???

Louist91: that's the thing. If I could, I would. Ur the only one I trust atm. Plus...this is a good opportunity for experience...

PaintrainP: ugh fine. But I'm only doing this because this sounds pretty important.

Louist91: Thank you so so much xxx

PaintrainP: shut up.

Louist91: :)

After Louis was finished texting Liam, he turned around to find that Harry had completely fallen asleep on his bed. Louis stared at the boy with a warm feeling in his chest. Harry was so cute when he slept. Louis gently pushed his body to the other side of the bed so he could make space for himself to cuddle next to Harry.

"Sleepy hmm?" Louis whispered as he twirled a bit of Harry's hair around his finger. Louis caught a glimpse of Harry's lips curving into a small, nearly undetectable smile.

This is actually so sad... Louis thought, and indeed, it was. Louis could feel his heart begin to crack for this poor boy; from what Harry had been telling him, it seemed that he had been lied to by his own parents for the entirety of his childhood. He obviously had some sort of past trauma that had caused him to live in isolation, judging by what Louis had read from his journal. He has had his heart broken so many times.
Louis sighed as he tucked his arms around Harry, pulling him closer.


Louis and Harry were eventually woken up by the loud knocking coming from their front door.

"Shit!" Louis hissed as he scrambled out of the bed, followed by
Harry. "We overslept..."

"What's the time?" Harry asked as they sped down the hallway.

"One thirty-two pm." Louis said, looking briefly at his phone.

Once they reached the front door, Louis turned around to face Harry. "Don't say anything weird. Alright? If you want this to go smoothly, don't. Say. Anything. Weird." Louis warned before turning back to the door.

Louis inhaled deeply and plastered on a big smile as he twisted the door handle, revealing Liam and

"Zayn!?" Louis exclaimed in shock and confusion. He turned his head to face Harry who too, was staring at the unexpected the guest, eying him like he'd just seen a ghost.

Louis turned back and continued to stare at this beautifully tanned man. And his beautifully styled, black hair. And his beautiful eyes. And his beautiful face.

Damn. Louis thought as he stared. How did Harry ever let him go?!

"Uh Louis?" Liam awkwardly spoke up. "You gonna stop staring at my man anytime soon?"

Louis snapped back into reality and blinked at Liam. "Oh- uh, yeah. Sorry um, hey." He mumbled quickly.

"Hi...you gonna let us in or..." Liam sarcastically questioned.

"Oh right," Louis stepped to the side and gestured his arm at the entrance, indicating for the two men to step inside.

"Hey, you must be Harry!" Liam smiled as he extended out his hand towards Harry, who was still, however, gawking at Zayn. Noticing this, Liam stared at the two in a glance of suspicion before shrugging off the strange encounter.

"Liam, mate..." Louis slowly started as he shut the door. "Can I have a word with you?"

Liam looked at Louis in confusion. "Okay..."

"In private..."

Liam tilted his head and furrowed his brows. "Sure..."

"Let's go to my room." Louis said as he began to head towards the right-hallway. "Oh, and uh, Harry, Zayn...chat for a bit?" Louis said hesitantly before continuing his path down the hallway along with Liam.

As soon as Liam and Louis entered the room, Louis turned around and locked the door.

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