Maddy Pérez {fez brother interesting }Happy new year

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Maddy didn't care how it looked

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Maddy didn't care how it looked.

When she did ever when it came to things that she did? Regardless of anything, Maddy Perez was going to do what she wanted and would shit on anybody that watched or had something negative to say.

Here she was dancing on some corny dude named Travis and when Kat mouthed nearby, "who is that?" It only egged Maddy on more as swayed her hips, a smile plastered on her glossed lips.

She didn't even see you come in from the back, but of course, you noticed her right away. However it didn't bother you, this was just Maddy and she did her thing. You made your way through the bodies, greeting some faces that you knew of before stopping in front of fez and Lexi.

Fez was all grins at the sight of you as he pushed off the couch to bring you into his chest with his arms tossed across your shoulders. Rocking from side to side you placed a free hand on top of fez's head just like you previously did to ash outside by the pool before you stepped back.

"What's the vibe?" You asked before you briefly took a seat next to Lexi, who smiled sweetly at you.

Lexi sighed, "I dunno typical party, people attempting to live 'differently' just to do the same exact shit for the next 365 days. And Cassie's disappeared."

You frowned, "wait what? Do I need to make a call?" You questioned, eyes shifting to Fez who lifted his shoulders unsure.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's just not answering her phone, she pissed me off on the way here and jumped out the car like a total maniac." Lexi rambled while you nodded your head from side to side, getting it.

That's siblings for you but you wouldn't leave ash or fez on the side of the road if they hopped out though. You might have run them over and tossed them in the trunk...but you wouldn't have left them. Hey, every sibling dynamic is different.

You didn't judge...much but you sure did have a mind of your own.

The three of you fell into small chatter until you picked up that fez was sending signals that he wanted to chat with Lexi alone some more. You caught the hint and sat for another five minutes just to annoy him a little bit before you told the two you'd see them later as you left to go mingle with other guests.

It wasn't until Jules and Kat brought it to Maddy's attention that you were back, that made the dark-haired girl turn this party into a safari scene.

"Are you shitting me? Where did you see him" Maddy's eyes scanned over the multiple faces in the house?

Jules and kat sent each other knowing looks.

"I don't know, it was a while ago," Kat answered, amusement on her red lips.

Jules added before taking a sip from her red cup, "you should ask fez, he should know. Although he didn't know much about rue but...maybe he knows more about Y/N—

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