Maddy Perez {this is what real love feels like}

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when you went to that party that your best friends, rue and Jules invited you to, you didn't think it would end in you fighting anyone. especially not Nate Jacobs.

you didn't even really want to come but your two best friends forced you. they told you it would be fun. yeah, you definitely had a lot of fun.

it all started when you saw them, Maddy Perez and Nate Jacobs in the middle of the dance floor, kissing. everyone knew Nate and Maddy and knew that Maddy would go back to him no matter how bad he treated her. you felt bad for the girl and you thought she deserved a lot better.

anyone (you) would be better than Nate, that was for sure.

but something about them was different, Maddy looked uncomfortable. she is always tense around him but not like this. something was wrong.

you didn't know if you should do something. was there even anything that you could you do?

you turned to your two best friends, ''hey, do you think Maddy is acting weird?''

both girls looked at them for a few seconds and shook their heads.

were you imagining it? you couldn't be.

you decided you would observe them for a bit and if something happened you would go over there. which would be kind of stupid of you but you didn't really care, you just wanted Maddy to be safe.

you didn't know why you cared so much all of the sudden but you did.

after a few minutes, Nate started pulling Maddy closer to him and she started looking increasingly more uncomfortable. how was no one but you seeing this?

you decided that this was enough and went over to them, you didn't even know what you were going to say but your feet just took you over there.

when you arrived in the middle of the dance floor you tapped Maddy on the shoulder.

she looked relieved to see you while Nate just had his usual scowl on his face.

''hi, Maddy! I'm going to go home now so if you want to have another sleepover can come with me!'' this was probably the dumbest and least believable thing to say but you didn't really care about that.

Maddy smiled at you and went to answer before Nate did it for her. ''no she's coming home with me tonight.''

you just faked a smile at him, unimpressed. ''i was talking to maddy, not you. she can decide what she wants to do''

Nate laughed in your face and went to pull Maddy away.

Maddy was panicking, you could clearly see that in her face and the way she held her body.

you had to think quickly. what would stop Nate?

''Nate let her go or ill tell everyone about your dad and his little films.''

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