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There was a buzzing near your head, interrupting your peaceful sleep.

You groaned, lifting your head reluctantly to see your phone ringing on your dresser, Maddy's name and photo on the screen.

"Hello?" You said with a hoarse voice

"Y/N... did I wake you?" Maddy asked.

"Well it is 2 am," you replied noticing the time on your alarm clock, "why are you still up?"

"I can't sleep," she tells you.

"Have you tried closing your eyes?" You tease.

"It's that damn scary movie you made me watch," she says.

"Hey you let me pick the movie," you laugh.

"Cause I thought we were going to make out not actually watch the movie," she goes on.

"Alright next time we can make out during the scenes when people are getting their heads chopped off," you chuckle.

"Not funny babe, that shit is terrifying," she says.

"Okay, okay, what can I do to help you sleep?" You ask.

"Tell me a funny story."

"Hm... did I ever tell you about the time my parents took my siblings and I camping and in the dark I accidently used poison ivy to wipe my ass?"

"Oh my God you didn't," she gasps.

"My family still won't let me live it down," you start as you attempt to help calm Maddy.

You tell her a slew of stories from that disastrous camping trip and half an hour later you hear a light snore coming from the other end of the line.

"Maddy?" You ask but there's no response, "goodnight Maddy."

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