cassie Howard [ i don't feel the same ]

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Y/N wasn't too bright in His decision-making

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Y/N wasn't too bright in His decision-making. He was always caught up in his own problems to properly process how his decisions could affect him later on.

Cassie didn't think through it properly when she decided to associate herself with you. It was supposed to be a strictly beneficial thing, at least the both of you agreed. Of course, Cassie was ignoring how a relationship like this could affect her later on.

She didn't think too much of it, there was no way you two would build any other sort of chemistry aside from sexual. There would be no way Cassie could date someone that reminded her of her friend Maddy. You were outspoken and confident in your own, although you were very much different.

For one, you were only attracted to girls. There were always those guys that would come up to you, not-so-subtly asking for a chance. You would always reject them in a semi-nice way at first but depending on how they took their rejection, you didn't mind knocking them -literally- down.

Cassie did remember in one of the many encounters you had mentioned you used to be in boxing. Or still were, she didn't know, you never went further in a conversation of your own life. You'd usually put your clothes back on and leave or start up another sexual activity.

Maybe that's why Cassie found it so easy to keep you around. You didn't really offer much information about your life and you kept things simple. Cassie would still be able to swoon over guys who easily got her hopes up with meaningless words and she'd have your sexual relationship to fall back onto in case things didn't go her way.

Which was surprisingly a lot of times. You'd always have to begrudgingly listen to Cassie's sad stories about her life revolving around men. Even though it irked you to the core seeing how comfortable this girl had got around you, you felt forced to be there for her and lend a helping hand.

After that, Cassie had an affinity for you. She no longer thought about your encounters as casual like you still did. It was hard to ignore the tender looks Cassie would give you in bed. How she would get shy talking to you in the hallways and sometimes ditch class to visit you during lunch.

"Cassie, what the fuck do you want?" You took a long drag from your blunt before exhaling it.

"I just... wanted to visit you," Cassie gave you a shy smile.

You gave Cassie a dirty look, wondering why she was acting so weird all of the sudden. She was hot, no doubt about that, but you wanted to tell her to fuck off. You had no desire to start a friendship with her much less a relationship. It was the perfect time to tell her your relationship was strictly about fucking.

Although you didn't say any of that to Cassie. You don't know why, maybe it was because you semi-related to her family situation. Cassie had an absent father, and while yours was still around he wasn't much accepted on the way you express yourself. Or maybe you just like to think it was a good ass blunt that had you acting differently than usual.

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