Maddy perez {maybe a little bit into you }

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The party was all but two things: Sweaty and loud

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The party was all but two things: Sweaty and loud. You of course had contributed to this, so after dancing your feet raw with Kat you'd decided that a peaceful moment of smoking was required.

"Pass the lighter." You make a grabby hand toward the boy next to you, he rolls his eyes yet passes it nonetheless. The flame lights up and catches the end of your cigarette, and you toss the lighter back with a nod of gratitude.

Now that most people vaped, you often forgot your own lighter when going places. However, your poor excuse of a dad had left a pack of the best lying around, and who were you to deny such a fate.

You breathed in the bitter fumes, letting them smooth out the kinks in your fatigued muscles.

The sofa you were sitting on dipped to the side, and you caught a pouting Maddy in the corner of your eye. The two of you had never been close per se, you were more Kat's and Lexi's friend than hers or Cassie's. Though, the two of you did share a simple hello when your paths crossed.

"Y/n." She greeted, snapping open a compact mirror to inspect the perfect wing of her eyeliner.

"Maddy. Tired of dancing?"

"Tired of being watched whilst dancing." Your brows furrow, and you inhale again trying to scout out who was watching her. On your scout, you spot a very pissed-off Nate Jacobs staring right where Maddy had just sat. The dream couple had split about a week ago, three weeks off of the New Year. Ouch, and boy he did not look over it one bit.

"Ah, boyfriend."

"ass ." Her tone offended. "Ex-boyfriend."

"For now." Her head snaps to meet your eyes, and you shrug from where you sat. "Don't you got a thing of banging and then leaving, and then banging again, then leaving. Repeat, repeat and oh look at that. Repeat."

"Why are you up in my business?"

"It's school." You offer her the cigarette, but she waves it away with a flick of her manicured hand. "Everyone knows your business."

"Why does everybody care what I do."

"Don't get pissy with the messenger."

"I'm not pissy." You smile slightly at her annoyed tone. People like Maddy Perez were all too easy to wind up.

"Sure, Maddy Perez."

"I'm not - Stop talking to me." You don't say anything and she makes a sound of irritation in her throat. "Your silence is somehow worse."

"Maybe you just like it when I speak."

"Why have we never spoken before? You hang with Kat after school" You turn now fully, hoisting both your legs onto the sofa and stubbing out the cigarette on the ash tray near you. You would have stubbed it on the table, though that would not make a lovely impression.

"Different paths."

"Spiritual paths?" The laziness of her tone suggests that she's drunk some, however, she is somehow sober enough to maintain that signature bitch attitude. It was quite phenomenal.

Your smile grows, and you give another chilled shrug eyes dancing to the still booming party. Kat had now started dancing with her boyfriend, and Lexi was nowhere to be seen.

"Sure." You shuffle closer so you could hear her over the noise. "So, why is your boyfriend eye stalking you?"

"Because he's a fucking loser."

"Wanna mess with him." She snaps the compact mirror closed, toying with it between her fingers.

"Mess with him how?" You lean in closer, watching Nate's reaction carefully. He shuffles, foot moving as if he wants to step forward and adjust your new position.

"In a fun way."

"Go on." Maddy doesn't shy away from you as you lean in even closer, moving your leg so it goes over one of hers. "You into me or some shit?"

"Are you?"

"maybe "

"Do you mind?" You wouldn't move until given consent, the games were never fun if two parties weren't involved happily.

"Is he looking?" She snaps the compact mirror open again, and this time angles it so you can see Nate Jacobs staring at you as if you had shot his whole weird-ass family.

"Oh he's looking all right."

"Kiss me then."

"Pardon?' She's staring at you with sultry eyes, and you felt a certain need to fulfill her wishes.

"Are you deaf?"

"Such a sparkling attitude." She rolls her eyes, yet is the one to twist her sharp nails in your hair and pull you forward. You don't see a reason to pull away, so use one of your hands to support her upper thigh whilst the other winds around the back of her neck gently.

When she pulls away her face say that she is satisfied with the performance, and you only let out a huff of surprise at the jump to kissing. "Normally when I say mess with someone, it means flirt around."

"That was me flirting." You weight up your options, and then realising you have the IT girl willingly kissing you, you take the opportunity with greedy hands.

"Wanna flirt again?" Her dark lips have some of your glitter gloss on, and when she twists your hair tighter you take that as a yes.

"Fuck Nate Jacobs."

"Fuck him."

Flirting hadn't been this sweet before. After all, as Maddy says everyone was a little bit into you 

what's next baby ;)

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