You Can't Escape From Reality

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After driving for what seemed for hours,Shelly stopped the car.
They were all panting and seems quite freightend too.

"This is bad! Oh My God! This is really bad! I just killed a man out there!", Pooja was trembling as hell.

"Calm down baby. I know it's disastrous but what happened, happened all of a sudden. We need to calm ourselves", Shelly put her hand on Pooja's shoulder,in order to calm her down.

"You don't understand,Shelly! The bullet that I fired is from my registered firearm! When the ballistics report will come,they are going to trace it back to me",tears started to roll out of her eyes.

"Listen guys, I think we should talk to my elder sister. She's inspector , I know she'll help us",Kriti said in a hopeful tone.

Her words brought a ray of hope for them. They started their vehicle and all of them rushed towards Kriti's home.

Dragon had listened to their whole conversation with deep interest.
"Looks like these girls are in danger. I think I should help them",he started to run towards the spot where the confrontation took place. He took the path of the woods,as it was closer and had a direct route.

When he arrived at the scene,he was astonished to see three officers already arrived at the scene and have called for backup.

"These guys are quite fast. I didn't expected them to come this early",he suddenly thought what to do in this situation ,when he concentrated he could finally listen to the bickering that was going among the police officers.

"The minister is going to kill us,this time for sure",said Vijay,sub inspector of the town.

"You're right indeed. First those killings and now this murders. I'm thinking of taking out this bastard who is behind all these and putting end to all", Prateek said while taking a puff of his cigrette.

"Are you guys done. Let's inspect thess bodies,shall we", Ajay said in an angry tone to which they put on their gloves and started to inspect the bodies.

"Time for action",said dragon and he threw two smoke bombs towards them.

"What the hell just happened here?", Ajay said while taking out his pistol.

A smirk formed on dragon's face and he took out his dagger and made a deep cut in the body of man, in which the bullet fired from Pooja's gun was struck and took it out.

After a while, when smoke subsided ,the three officers were astonished to see a body was cut and something was gauged out.

"This is certainly gross. How can someone do this type of thing to a corpse. This world is surely going to end" , Prateek laughed at his own joke and reinforcements arrived at the scene.

"Holy fuck ", uttered Mr Raj, Superintendent of Police.

The spot was filled with ambulances and police. Police was finding it hard to control the crowd of journalists that have arrived at the scene.

"Looks like we're going to have a long night", Prateek said in dejection.

On top of a nearby mountain,a figure was lying on the ground, thinking about his future actions.

Pooja and her friends went to Kriti's sister,Purvi and told her about the recent accident. Purvi listened to this and reassured them that they'll be safe and she'll carefully tamper with the evidence.

The next day ,when Purvi got access to the evidences and ballistics report,she was quite surprised to see that the bullet was missing from the bullet wound and a deep cut was made around it.

"Looks like a work of a professional. The person,who had done this task is quite familiar with sharp objects and and he knows how to use knives and daggers",she said to the doctor who had recently concluded the postmortem.

"You are are absolutely right officer! Somebody has carefully and with master precision ,done this job. He was doing this job in a hurry but in spite of that he accomplished this task in less than five minutes",said doctor Arti.

"So tell me Arti, how a person could perform this act with such a high level of precision?", Purvi was now interested in this case.

"You know ,the person who was killed in last night encounter was son of world famous businessman ,Mr Raghav . He's surely going to use all his political influence and muscle power turn the city upside down in his quest for vengeance", said Prateek.

"You know we can't let anyone do injustice in the City, as we are the protectors and it's our responsibility to protect the lives of persons residing in it", Ajay was little worried about the incident.

Shelly and her friends were having drinks in her house when all of a sudden ,a rock came crashing from her glass window, shattering it in the process and finally landed on her sofa.

"What the f*** is is this ! I don't understand why we can't drink peacefully and who in the name of gods is doing this mischief ,that too ,in the middle of the night", Kriti cursed under her breath.

When Pooja stood up and picked up the rock ,she was quite frightened to see a note attached with it, which said, I know what you people have done that night and I have the bullet.

Pooja immediately informed her friends and they all began to sweat profoundly , as they knew they all will be going to jail for murder charges and abetting the crime .

"Looks like we are f***** hard this time and it seems there is someone out there, who knew everything and we can't escape from the reality that our fun lead to the death of an individual or or shall I say individuals", Shelly dropped on her bed.

A figure was seen laughing from a distance who has witnessed this act with the help of his night vision binoculars.

"Looks like I will be having fun after a long time ,in watching how things will unfold in near future and let's see how capable are the law enforcement agencies this time", he said in a deep voice.

So ,the dragon had ace up his sleeve and it looks like he's ready to see some real action. Let's see what happens.......
And thanks for reading my novel. My dear readers.

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