Kill the Culprit

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After after few days of searching, Dragon finally found a shelter ,from where he could carry his mission. After the recent developments, he knew perfectly that, a lot number of people are after him and now he has to be more careful than before. He was preparing for the night assault as he doesn't have the luxury of time at his disposal.

The Red lady has made various contacts throughout the city and in the country during her service.  She had been  to various countries in the past, and  made good friends there.  Some of our them were Ex Special forces from various countries.

" Now the time has come to bring big guns to hunt that bloody criminal and put an  end to this bloodlust",she thought to herself and made various phone calls. After the call,she was looking quite relaxed.

Meanwhile, Kriti Pooja and her friends had gone to underground parking lot and where they were having drinks and drugs. The last few days have taken a huge toll on them.

"I mean seriously what a mess we are into and I don't think we could easily get out of this situation", Kriti said  in a bit of anxiety.

"You don't worry babe, The Red lady and the various commando forces will most probably kill that bastard in due course of time", Pooja said in  in assurance.

"Whatever may be the reason but I could sense an imaginable pain in those eyes. I simply couldn't forgot those eyes , filled with such pain that I was about to cry if you guys hadn't pulled me a way", Pooja said to  Kirti in a somber tone and they all passed out soon.

When the night has fallen, dragon emerged from his shelter. He was now looking like a construction worker,with a   hammer in his hand and a bag.  Today he was going to attack nearby  security camp which was not far away .

Upon reaching the area,he found out that about four guards were stationed outside. He pulled out his pipe, filled it with poison blades and put the pipe in his mouth. In a flash,he shot four blades aimed at the neck of the guards. All four dropped dead on the ground. Dragon took the rear entrance and went inside.

Upon  reaching the  inner room he could see that about thirty swordsmen were waiting for him. Wasting no time,he pulled out his twin katana and jumped on them.

"Kill the culprit",was the cry the swordsmen shouted and after that,a bloody match started between them. After a few hours, dragon was left breathing heavily. He had again, annihilated the elite swordsmen .

"They are probably samurais. I didn't knew,the government could pull off such a stunt", he bowed to the samurais and went  away.

Looks like Dragon is  finally out on a hunt. Let's see where it goes. Until next time,take care my beloved readers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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