More Friends...?

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Y/n's Pov-

After i abandoned the boys under the tree i spent the rest of my night figuring out how i was going to design the bow and arrow. I kept drawing and drawing for hours on end,but none of them reminded me of Eli. I was running out of time, her birthday was coming up, and i needed to get the materials soon.

Ok. Think. What things reminds you of Eli. What symbols, flowers, colors remind you of her. I kept repeating to myself. didnt seem to be helping. I pulled out another piece of paper and listed the things down.

I stretched my hands in the air and stared up at the ceiling. "" i mumbled to myself. Then it hit me, in my previous life there were these soft pink flowers that grew all year around, they were named 'Madeline Rose' not because they were roses but after the Princess who first found them.

They were small and pink, and smelled wonderful. "Those would look nicely on a bow" i whispered to myself, as i started drawing. If only i knew what trouble id get myself into for picking that flower as a base and inspiration.


The following day i got up early(surprisingly) way before anyone else. I left and explored different stores looking for bows,arrows, and just materials i needed in general. I was walking down a long path that had stores cramped on each side sticking to one another. As i passed by something caught my eye from a shop window, it was hanging by a string. The moment i saw it, my smile grew wider and i knew i had to get that for Eli.

Time skip~ brought to you by insomnia ♡

I was walking to the last shops i had left on my list, the bags i was carrying were heavy and the straps were leaving marks on my arms. I only had one more item i needed, can you guess which? Yup. The flowers or a flower that looked like those flowers,but no. no luck at all. I looked down to the floor feeling tired and slightly disappointed i couldn't find ANYTHING that looked like Madeline Rose.

As i walked i started making a pattern with which blocks i stepped on. I kept going from one side to another, im pretty sure i looked like a drunk person but eh. This activity almost got me in trouble by the way.

I kept walking completely ignoring everything around me, which was very bad because i ended bumping into the frickn prince.

A/n: someone kill her now♡

"Ouch!" I yelped as i bumped in somone causing me to fall and dropped all my items. I looked up to see the figure that had bumped into and all the color drained from my face. "Ah! Your highness !" I said as i got up and bowed placing both arms to my side.

"Oh its alright, no need to bow"he said, i looked up to be greeted with a smile. A smile? I just bumped into him and he smiles???? I hadnt realized i was staring until the prince asked if i was ok. "Im fine, thank you for worrying about me your highness" i said giving him a smile.

His eyes moved from me to the scatterd items that were on the floor. He orderd some of the knights to help pick them up. "Planning on making something?" He asked as he analyzed the items. "Yes, i am i answered giving him my attention, just missing a couple of things".

"Oh? Like?" He looked up at me waiting for an answer. "Just some small pink flowers that seem hard to find" i replied rubbing the back of my neck. He looked at me squinting his eyes before glancing at the escort(?) besides him. "Anddd... what do these flowers look like?". I looked at him surprised, no, dont tell me, you want to help?? Me getting help from the prince, dammnnn what a lucky day.

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