A Long Nosed Bitch

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Flying through the sky was peaceful, the voices of Arthur and the Lance were tuned out and all that remained was you and the vast world. The sun was rising giving the sky an orangey color, this was the orange you liked, soft and calm. You weren't thinking of anything in particular, the night had just been so eventful and tiring, you felt so drained. 

A soft hand brushed your own and when you turned to look at Arthur, he had a smile on his face. He would never admit it to your face but gosh he could stare at you forever. You smiled back at him but your cute interaction was cut short as you arrived at the floating castle. It was a  large building floating on a rock surrounded by floating pillars as they circled it. There was a massive crystal at the top which you assumed kept the castle floating. 

"Magic can't be used in the castle entrance, so we will be climbing the stairs" Lance Varay explained as you got off. The staircase heading up was narrow and in the darkness you wondered if anyone had ever fallen. On the other side of the door, was a long narrow path, with writings written all over the walls. It reminded you of the castle from your previous life, and apparently you weren't the only one who shared that thought. 

Arthur has been looking at you, almost as if waiting to see your expression. The lances led you both to a large red door with gold carved into its edges. Lance Varay pushed the door open, revealing you and Arthur and two bonds floating in bubbles. 

A crescent-like table was in the middle of the room, with 3 pairs of throne-like chairs each separated accordingly. You recognized King and Queen Eralith, and you assumed the ones in the middle were King and Queen Glayder since you could clearly see the family resemblance. That left the two in the corner to be the King and Queen Greysunders. 

They were all standing as you walked in, their expressions quite easy to read. "Your Majesties, We have Brought Arthur Leywin and Lanira Houston to the council" Lance Varay stated as she bowed. You were finally here. In this place, Where you'll face 'judgment'. Were you scared? Pft no, thats funny, all you wanted was to go back home and lay in bed. But instead, here you were being accused of a crime you didn't commit, this is what you get for saving people huh. 

You and Arthur both noticed how the Lances treated the Royals, so you did the same. " How ignorant! Do you think your at the same level as the lances? You should take a knee at least!" A voice boomed and echoed through the room. Your eye twitched and you were about to snap back at the old shit, " My apologies your majesties. We are uneducated in the ways of paying respect to nobility and royalty." Arthur spoke before you. 

You turned to look at him, like he had offended you in every way possible, which he did. Now, you weren't just mad at the man with the pointy noses(whatever hes name was) but also at Arthur. You wanted to smack him to open his eyes and realize he didn't need to bow down to a old turd shorter than him. However, all you could do was glare at him while Lance Varay un-cuffed you. You quickly realized how nice Lance Varay's hand really looked, they were pretty, you thought. 

"Arthur Leywin and Lanir Houston." A voice spoke, causing the lance to quickly move away from you. You looked up at the voice with an almost irritated expression, rubbing your wrists, you looked up and waited. Tessias dad caught on to how you started and he averted his eyes from you "Before we begin, I would like to thank you both, not only as a leader but as a father, for saving--" Hes amazing speech was cut short by yet again the annoying voice of the old shit. 

They started shouting and acting like Arthur pointed a sword directly at them. And to add to the fire he decided to clearly restate all what Arthur did to the elf boy. You felt a sense of deja vu coming in and soon you found yourself sitting at a table. Your eyes widened as you realized where you were, the room was a gray-ish color and a long table stretching from one corner to the next. 

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