His Favorite Person

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A favorite memory ♡

Readers Pov -

I woke up to the soft warm feeling of the sun hitting my face from the corner of the window. I hummed and stretched my arms as my eyes adjusted and i could see clearly, i sat up and looked around finding  Thor stretched besides me with his back legs stretching the blanket. I looked up at the clock that read '9:36 am'. I knew i had to get up if i wanted to start on the bow and arrow but the warmth of my bed mixed with the cool air in my room was not helping.

You must be like " Y/n, i thought you said that as soon as you got home last night you would atleast start with something. You are right. I was. But then...things happened.

Flash back ~ ○.○

I lazily walked into the front door, these bags were killing me. I really couldn't take this anymore. I whined as i walked down the hallway trying to get to my room. I heard talking and laughing which was later accompanied by footsteps that only got louder and closer.  I stopped, squinting my eyes as i tried to identify these people.  I was pulled out of my thoughts coming face to face with the mystery people.

Who were really  only Arthur and Elijah.

They both looked at me, then down at my bags, then up to me again before quickly running up to me and taking my things. (Such gentlemen.) Elijah took my bags and Arthur took the plant in my hands, causing both of our hands to touch eachother and him staring at me before a light pink of blush coverd his cheecks.(what kind of wattpad shit is this yall tsk tsk.)

We start walking done the hall to my room, there was a long awkward silence. I really just didnt want to interact with people anymore, the social person in me has faded.
" where were you?" Arthur asked, he sounded a bit mad like he was trying to hold back or something. Before i could answer Elijah said he had to go and that he was really sorry he couldnt stay and help.

He didnt even let me answer before he placed the items in my hand and ran.  It took me a second to completely register what happend before holding onto my items and continue walking. "So?" Arthur said it sounded more firm and demanding than before. I looked up at him as he glanced at me before looking ahead waiting for my answer.

"Oh. I was with the prince" i blurted out not even realizing what i had said. Arthur stopped and looked at me, his grip on the plant tightened almost to the point his knuckles turned white. "You. Were with the prince?" The way he said it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"I- well- no not really, i just- he kind of- happened?" I said, more like a question really. He leaned his face closer to mine causing me to tense up and back up, my back hitting the wall. I felt like a deer caught in headlights not really sure if i can use this expression in this world tho.

I never knew how small the hallways were until this moment. He leaned in closer mumbling something under his breath. He smirked before pulling away and continued walking to my room.

I stood there like a statue, i let out a sigh before turning my head in the direction he went. He wasn't there anymore tho, just an empty hallway. I felt a sense of deja vu in this situation. 

Flash back in a flash back▪

"So? The scout from the fire arms unit huh?" He said staring at the girl from across the room as he tapped his table with his pen. He seemed to be glaring at her. Was it anger? Jealousy? Or a little bit of both?

"Grey- its not like that, i was walking by and i tripped on the way because i was wearing heels, Alin just caught me" the woman's voice echoed through the room as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"I could have caught you" the man replied angrily,squeezing the pen in his hand.

"Yea. But you weren't  there stupid" the woman wasn't even fazed by the mans attitude, just slightly irritated. Shes had years of dealing with an over protective jealous husband. She sighed grabbing the long gown she was wearing and made her way to the man sitting in front of a large desk stacked with papers. The room was fairly dark, navy blue curtains covered the windows, and blocked most of the sunlight from the room.

She walked over just a few feet from the man and gave him a soft smile. The man was not fazed by this at all and just turned around in the direction of the lady, starting at her. She stretched her hand out and placed it on the mans cheek.

" would you have preferred that i had fallen and sprained my ankle?" She said humming softly. The man under her relaxed to her actions and her voice before grumbling a faint "no". She smiled inching closer to the man and sat on his lap, arms wrapped around his neck and face inchs apart from his.

His hands were placed on her waist tho he acted like he hated her avoiding her eyes and being all cold towards her, he still didn't want her falling. Her thumb softly rubbed against his neck, "you know i love you right?" She said softly.

He looked at her trying to find any lies in her words, but there were none. This woman loves him more than he would ever know and he to her as well. He sighed before placing  his chin on her shoulder and mumbling.

"I love you too.." the man whispered, he was acting like a giant puppy towards the lady, she was probably the only person that was ever going to see him this vulnerable. She stroked his hair and hummed, he was exhausted and stiff and this woman knew exactly what to do to make him relax.

A small smile appeared on the mans face as he closed his eyes and kept his lady close, hugging her as he drifts of to dream land.


Grey: you know that i know you would never leave me right? I just did it because i need affection and cuddles.

Y/n : *sigh* i know.

Grey: good... Wait what? You knew???, So you did that voluntarily?

Y/n : pfft, of course i did, i'm married to you moron.


A/N- sooooo new chapter out ♡ i wanted to make it a little memories recap and a kind of day in the life out y/n and grey. Just so yall know kinda how their relationship was :)  also next chapter will be the birthday party chapter just so you guys know. Sorry for short chapter, if i had added the birthday parts as well it would be very long and i dont want you guys getting bored :")

Remember to vote and comment ~  >:)  as always thank you for reading ♡ 

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