Memories of Us..

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Narrators Pov-

There she was a H/C haired girl walking , dragging along a tall black haired male

Laughs and Giggles escaping both mouths as they tried walking up the hill.

"Come one Grey! just a little longer!" The H/c haired girl said encouraging the man how kept slipping, and needing to hold on to the little grass there was to not fall.

"If you had told me we would be going up a hill, i wouldn't have worn a suit!", he retorted back laughing trying not to fall in the process.

Laughs escaped the girls mouth, as she sat on the edge waiting for her lover," Awww come one, if i had told u it wouldn't be as fun", she responded resting her head on her knees as the male finally made it to her side. 

A hum escaped the males mouth as he dusted off his pants looking at the view. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" the girl said softly standing right besides him.

He looked over at her, admiring her features." Yea, it is" he mumbled, " but why bring me here , love?" he asked.

There were only a few plants and one large tree on the hill.

The girl placed her hand on the tree and smiled at her lover, " Why not?, its beautiful and lovely and quiet here, just for me and you" she said.

He gave up on trying to figure it out, so instead he sat down and looked out at the vast blue ocean. 

A/N: Lets pretend it isn't an island and you need to climb a hill to get to the top </3

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A/N: Lets pretend it isn't an island and you need to climb a hill to get to the top </3

She sat down beside him resting her head on his shoulder, and her hand on top of his. 

"I like being here...just me and you..and no royal duties" the girl mumbled softly. 

The man hummed in agreement, slightly squeezing the girls hand grabbing her attention.

There was a warm smile plastered on his face" You know..We should bring our kids here in the future" he stated.

The girl's eyes slightly widened before turning into a large smile, nodding in agreement she said" I like the way you think sir". 

"Grey, what should we name our future kids?"

The man pondered for a moment.

"If it's a girl then how about..._____, and if they're a boy you can pick". He replied happily.

For some odd reason...the H/C haired girl couldn't remember the name her beloved told

"Hmmm...If they're a boy, then how about ____?"

They laughed and talked and giggled but it all started turning dark and the voices started turning into whispers before completely disappearing.

Only quiet sobbs could be heard now.

The sobbs occasionally accompanied by the voice of a male.

"Hey It's grey, love! I'm probably busy so leave a message!", The recording said again.

"Grey" a H/C girl said her voice was cracking as she cried her eyes out.

She laid on a bed, cold and most of all alone. 

There were two other beings with her, but they were barely formed...

She had locked herself in the room that had been shared with her lover.

Now the space that used to be warmed by him was cold.Only her figure laid on its sheets. 

She cried and cried and cried, but no amount of tears would bring him back.

She loved him.She really truly did.

She almost had everything she wanted. A family 

A happy family with the one she loved.

Until the world decided to take him from her.

Suddenly loud footsteps were heard outside the room before someone decided to burst through the door.

The H/C haired girl sat up not being able to tell who was in front of her. All she saw was the silhouette of a person followed by the bright light outside the room.

"YOUR MAJESTY" a girl said panting trying to catch her breath. 

"PLEASE YOU NEED TO GET LEAVE NOW!!" the girl screamed horror written all over her face.

The H/C haired girl furrowed her brows clearly scared.

The scenery started to change and all she could see was the maids mouth moving.


Reader Pov-

I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart racing as i tried calming myself down.

Why did i have to dream of those things now? Right before I start school?

Why that day especially? 

I laid back down hoping to get some rest. 

To be continued

Sooo this happened before they started studying at Xyrus- 

I wasn't sure when to add this part, but its a bit more into what happened to the reader after Arthur died yk.

Remember to vote and comment :)Also thank you to my best friend @supercooloni who i love so much for  checking this chapter out before i published it, andd for helping me on the new cover :) if you look closely you'll see her signature there <33 

Thank you for reading <3

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