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Chanting was heard outside your dungeon-like room as you stared at the metal door in desolate. Your heart felt empty and hollow inside like it was a tunnel with no way out. You were trapped in a situation you never wanted to be in, and you wished you could just die. This was not how you wanted to live; you wanted a better life if there's a chance but you knew there wasn't. Your calls and pleads never reached the sky, hence why you're stuck in this awful position where you're reduced to an object.

You were in your undergarments, staring at the gold lavish kimono displayed on your bed that has seen so much horror in your life. Your lips trembled, not wanting to proceed this anymore. You're so tired and drained. It took a toll on your sanity, and you wanted to end everything.

"Please...! Just let me die...!" You dropped on your knees as your hands were interlocked and shaking profusely. Your eyes squeezed shut just praying for someone to hear you. You're tired of your miserable life. You're tired of being used and abused. All you wanted was peace.


Your body jolted as your eyes were wide open from the loud sound sinking your soul into oblivion. The hairs on your body stood up and you couldn't afford to turn around. You knew who it was while coiling in fear. You felt like a person who was about to get murdered. The sound of breathing could get you killed on the spot. You held your breath, trying to stay still so you wouldn't get beaten.


Heavy footsteps drew faster and closer to you, and then you automatically screamed, feeling the roots of your hair burning from the vice grip of your own blood family: your uncle. He grabbed you like you were a ragdoll and screamed in your face while you shut your eyes.

"YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GOOD NIECE, WHY DON'T YOU BEHAVE AS ONE?!" The volume of his voice was so loud that you might've gone deaf.

"S-sorry...!" You whimpered, unable to look at him in the eyes. You were beyond drained to fight back so you said whatever to please him just for this to stop. However, your meek apology only angered him more as he felt like he didn't have power over you. He wanted more from you because your reaction and response was weak like your willpower to satisfy his emotional needs. So your uncle aggressively pushed you down as you landed on your side. Your hair was disheveled and your heart was racing like crazy. You wanted this to stop.

"Please let me go to the ceremony right now!! You can have your way with me later!! Let them cut me open, but we can't keep them waiting...!" You pleaded through your tears with your head hanging, squeezing your fists so tight it that your nails broke skin and bled.

Your uncle smirked above you as his eyes were filled with vile thoughts. "y/n, don't be delirious." He bent down to your level to watch your cowardice behavior from his gaze piercing your soul like a knife jabbing your skin. "You will be drained by the end of the ceremony... We both know that. I'm not a fool,"

Before you knew it, he drew out his belt and whipped you like you were a savage animal needing to be trained. You covered your face and body from getting red or possibly cut. He lashed out his frustration on you, and you took it in because fighting back only made it worse. As much as you hated him, you were already broken by him a long time ago. You're weak against him and he knew that, hence why he took advantage of your crippled state.

"y/n, why aren't you fighting back? Are you too scared? Are you already in pain? Don't be a mindless doll!! Give me a good reaction!!" He screamed, throwing his belt to the side and began punching you.

Physical abuse was a daily thing that happened behind closed doors. All you knew was blood and black and blue marks on your skin. Maybe if you had a better body, then you would've fought back with the same amount of energy he's giving to you. You took in the hits like a punching bag though in the back of your mind, you were killing him with your hands.

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