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It was finally the first day of spring as many months have passed since the downfall of your uncle's occult. You found peace in your new quiet life. You didn't have to worry about being stalked by your followers, kidnapped or being used and abused. You were still on school grounds since Gojo took the responsibility to financially support you until you're ready to build your life. Nobody forced you to participate in sorcery so you were living a somewhat normal life. Being a sorcerer wasn't for you, but you weren't going to hesitate if someone needed your assistance. Everything was going smoothly and you couldn't ask for more.

"So y/n, how do you feel after it's been months since the mission?" Your therapist asked, wanting to make sure you found closure for what you've endured while growing up.

You showed a content smile on your face. "I feel much better and free. I'm learning to let my trauma go and heal from it. My mindset has also improved too! I never thought I'd get this opportunity to change my life. I'm so grateful, especially having a therapist who wouldn't gaslight me but who actually wants to help me get better. Thank you." You chuckled, remembering that rat who played her role well until you snapped at her. It felt awesome to show her who she's messing with.

Your therapist smiled as they felt assured you were heading in the right direction in your life. "I'm glad this is helping you. Well, our session is up and if you need anything from me, you have my number. I'll see you next week!"

You left your therapist's office and walked out of the building. Whenever you have your therapy sessions, you go to their office instead of having them come to you. Going to the building was much better because it gave you a good reason to leave campus. Plus, you're not stuck there for the whole day either. This made you want to roam the streets of Tokyo instead of being a homebody.

You whipped out your phone to check the time. "Hmm, it's the afternoon... I still have time to buy an outfit for my date. It shouldn't take too long." You tucked your phone in your pocket and walked to a nearby mall.

You had a date with Yuta as this was your first date. It was going to be at a fancy restaurant so you had to dress formal to fit the required dress code.

The aftermath of your first and last mission with Yuta and Shirou, you drew the line at how you'll pursue a romantic relationship with Yuta. At that time, you weren't mentally stable and needed time to adjust to your new living situation. Yuta understood your reasons and chose to wait until you gave him the ok. However, it didn't stop him from being sweet to you and showering compliments and gifts. You never objected to it as it only made your feelings for him grow stronger. Only recently, you allowed him to take you on dates, not casual hangouts as those were different. Although Yuta knew you were fine with dates now, he didn't ask you out until a week ago. Hence why you're going shopping because you didn't have any formal clothings.

At the mall, you were looking at dresses as it's easier to slip on and off and you can hide your food baby. You chose a dress that didn't emphasize your stomach in case you went overboard with food tonight because you forced yourself to starve until then. You only did it so you'll be hungrier and food would taste so much better too.

"Hmm, well I'm done here. I'll be wearing flats, no heels. Not tryna kill my feet." You didn't think shopping for a dress would be that easy but you weren't going to complain. You just needed something to wear and it wasn't extravagant whatsoever, but a plain dress that could be worn casual or upscale.

You walked out of the mall and proceeded to go home.


Arriving on school grounds, you trudged to the dorm so you could take a nap because you had all day until the date to get ready, and right now you had nothing to do so getting some rest would be the best option.

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