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Many weeks have passed since you made your grand escape but were brought back in and caused a drift in your relationship with Yuta. You stayed confined in your own bedroom because it was better than anything else. You couldn't stand the thought of anyone tailgating you. You still felt pissed off at Yuta, and you didn't even want to see his face.

"Ugh, it's that time again... Gotta go to therapy," You rolled your eyes at the thought of it. You didn't want to see Sara because whatever she says you won't hesitate to kill her. There's nothing holding you back especially when you're still in a bad mood and there's no one to stop you.

Begrudgingly, you made your way to her temporary office on school grounds. Your arms were folded and your eyes narrowed, stomping heavily until you stood in front of her door.

You left out an exasperated sigh, rolling your eyes to decompress everything before going inside and losing your goddamn mind. "Fuck my life!" You cursed and stepped inside.

When you opened the door, Sara was there smiling and greeting you. "Hi there y/n! I heard some much about your adventure a few weeks ago! Let's have a talk about that." She hummed, getting way too excited to shift the blame on to you.

You wanted to smack off her curled lips so she could feel your wrath and hatred for her. You obviously know she's a spy and you don't want to pretend anymore, yet you have to play it safely.

"Mmm, right. I can't wait for it." You sarcastically said, dragging yourself into her room and sitting right in front of her.

You mad-spread your legs, slouching back to relax your whole upper body. Compared to you, Sara had her legs crossed, her back straight, her chest puffed out—anything to make her look more professional and serious.

So when the game began, you tuned out everything and daydreamed about what life could be if Sara wasn't in it. You knew you'd feel much better than you were right now. You hate being in a position where your own therapist was being a manipulative little brat.

"I can't believe you ran away thinking like that's going to help! You're hilarious. You're never free y/n. You're going to be your uncle's little pet until the day you die!" Sara sneered, rubbing it into your face to get a reaction out of you but you gave her nothing. You stared blankly at her, resembling a robot with an unreadable expression.

Sara continued, "but you're one psychopath to try and kill a child! I'm amazed that you wanted to be brand a child murderer. Wouldn't that be a nice ring to your name."

Here she goes again exposing herself because obviously the only person who knows about this is Yuta. I know Yuta wouldn't go to the therapist and spill our daily events. You were getting tired of Sara and putting yourself in check just to keep the peace.

Sara brought up the perfect person to get under your skin. She's going to make you get mad one way or another. "I'm so glad Yuta isn't your bodyguard anymore. He wasn't a good protector or listener..."

Your lips pursed and you exhaled from your nose with your eyes glaring at her. Although you dislike Yuta, you're not gonna let her disrespect him. He did do good to a certain extent. "Drop the topic. This is how far you'll go. I'll let you disrespect me and downplay my feelings but Yuta is off limits." You snarled at her as you gave her a warning.

"Oh?" Her brows rose in curiosity. "But I don't want to. I want to talk badly about Yuta. I don't see the problem since you aren't on good terms with him." Sara saw the opportunity to break your walls and fuck you over. Her evil intentions were seeping out like a plastic pool leaking water at all sides.

You slammed your hand on the coffee table and leaned forward to lock eyes with her. "No. I'll say this once and for all... If you talk about Yuta, I will fucking kill you. I am crazy and I don't care. No one is going to stop me because I know who you are under this charade. You're just a character. This job is a lie." Your harshness vibrated within the walls, showing your unbreakable demeanor. For sure, this time you're going to do it. You're going to make sure she can't mess with you anymore. She will fear you and relay it to your uncle.

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