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The man who saved you was at the doorway smiling, trying to uplift the tense room. "Hi, y/n! My name is Yuta. I was the one who saved you and took care of you while you had your fever. I'm glad you look better and are doing alright too!" Yuta chuckled, fiddling his fingers as he didn't know what else to say or do.

"Oh, thanks for taking care of me. I didn't know you guys would be so kind towards me," It didn't freak you out that he did that, it was more odd since you're a bad person in their eyes. You thought they'd treat you like an animal rather than a human, but it's nice to know that they have some type of decency towards you.

Then a pregnant silence fell between you two as you guys stared at each other awkwardly. No one said a word.

What is he here for? And why is he just staring at me? Does he want something from me? You weren't too sure what to feel as you're a bit defensive. You didn't want to let your guard down too soon since you don't know him.

"Uhhh... do you need anything else?"

As if a light switched off Yuta's head, he jumped back into reality. "Oh! I— Um...! I also summon a shikigami named Rika. It's a long story, but you'll see her often if you watch me during missions and... Are you hungry? I know you've been sleeping for a while so I'm assuming you are." Yuta wasn't going to treat you differently since he witnessed something no one else has and he wasn't that petty either. You hadn't done anything to him nor you're trying to pull any tricks. He's trusting you despite not knowing you.

"Yeah, I am hungry. My stomach is hurting," your stomach was uncomfortable as it twisted and turned, putting you in a bad mood where you could lash out at anyone. The smallest thing would tick you off. Your arms secured around your stomach to hold in the pain.

A small and polite smile curled Yuta's lips as it didn't show any type of malice towards you. "Alright! I'll bring the food and new clothes! Just sit tight and I'll be right back!"

Your heart raced from his sheer act of kindness that wasn't pretend rather genuine. No one has ever been this soft spoken and gentle with you. You were treated with disrespect and degradation from your uncle and followers. In their eyes, you're just an object who shouldn't have emotions or feel pain. You're there to satisfy their needs to succeed in a common goal: take down the jujutsu system.

You didn't know how to reply back so you didn't. You watched Yuta exit the room, closing the door behind himself and leaving you alone.

A few minutes passed and Yuta came back with food and clothes. He set the clothes on a chair then pulled a bed table tray to place your food where you sat.

"Do you know where I am?" You asked since you forgot to ask Gojo about it. Just his presence made you forget where you're at. It was an interesting conversation to have with Gojo and that was more important than your whereabouts.

"Jujutsu tech in Tokyo," Yuta simply replied, having his hands tucked behind his back as he's ready to leave you alone.

You couldn't pick yourself up to eat the steaming hot food when Yuta's acting all nice like you're one of his friends. It seemed so weird and creepy yet it felt nice, but you also felt like this was a sham. Your feelings waved back and forth, trying to comprehend his actions. "Why'd you save me? Why're so nice? You came to kill me, but I'm still standing here alive. Isn't it your mission to kill me too?" Your voice was filled with confusion and desolation. It felt as if you were stranded on an unknown island and Yuta came to rescue you for unknown reasons. You knew in your heart an act of kindness has a sinister meaning behind it.

"Because you're innocent and were forced to participate. I saw it in your eyes, y/n. There's no extravagant reason but that. I know how it feels to not be able to get help... I've been there before. That's why I saved you instead of killing you." Yuta was being honest and truthful to your face. There's no need for him to lie because he's not that kind of person to hurt others.

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