Chapter 9 - Y/n

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"Are you sure you are alright Y/n-chan?" 

You turn to look over at your lab partner and nod. You shoulders and lower back hurt from slouching. That wasn't the only thing that was pinned to your mind. You kept thinking about the break-in that happened a night ago. 

"Just lack of rest is all. Nothing to worry about." 

You replied to changed the topic and focus at the task at hand. You just needed to go home. You missed Nobu and craved to see him once more. Shaking your head you reset your goggles and get back to work. You were so close to finding the new antigen that you could almost taste it. You look over at your partner in anticipation. 

"Do you think this is it?" 

You gulp and sweat begins to drip down your forehead. You leaned forward and placed the glass slide under the microscope. You peer through the optical lens and watch various cells attack an organism. Your lab partner watches you with anticipation. Practically getting ready to push you out of the way. 


Your lab partner asks and you smiled. You felt a surge of confidence course through your veins. 

"We did it!" 

You shouted and threw your hands in the air. You and your partner started waltzing around the table. Shouting and celebrating like it was New Year's Day. 

"Ackem, what's going on in here?" 

A voice grumbled and clacking shoes echoed through the room. 

"Ah, Sora-san. We have some great news. The new sample was a success!" 

You shouted in glee and Sora-sans eyes widened in surprise. In disbelief she walked over to the microscope and peered down at the slide. 

"Good work! Please clean up and meet me in the lobby. I would like the two of you to present your work to Tsunade-sama." 


You both shouted and finished your lab write up and waltz out of the hospital. 

Knock, Knock 

"Come in." 

A distraught voice calls and you walk through the door. You look at Tsunade-sama who rubbed her forehead. She picked up her eyes and motioned you to come forth. 

"Y/n, I'm glad you came. I was just about to send for you." 

You raised your left eyebrow and walked toward the Hokage. She gave you a letter and nodded for you to open it. Your eyes scanned the cursive lettering, knowing that it was the Mizukage's handwriting. As you reached the end of the note your stomach dropped. 

"T-this can't be real. T-there's...I-" 

Tears started to spill from your eyes. You dropped the letter and placed your hands against your face. Nobu was dead and you didn't understand why someone would do this.

"Y/n, I want you to be honest with me." 

You looked up at Tsunade-sama and nod. Hearing a sigh escape her lips you make sure to pay attention. 

"What was your connection with Nobu Ota?" 

"He was a close friend of mine. Why do you ask?" 

You watch her lace her fingers together and lean forward. 

"Did anything weird happen to you recently?" 

"I suppose you could say that. Someone broke into my apartment a day or so ago. Destroying Nobu's package." 

You hear Tsunade-sama curse and she bites her finger nails. She was trying to contain her frustration. 

"Why didn't you say something sooner! Your life is at risk!" 


There was a long pause and time seemed to freeze. You waited for a response and you soon received it. 

"Y/n, you are to return back to the Mist village. Whoever is targeting you and I hate to even have to say this. Is most likely from the Leaf village." 

You stood there shocked. You never would have imagined a Leaf ninja targeting you. Most of the Leaf villagers seemed to welcome you here. Then again that could all be a facade to keep the peace between villages. 

"Yes. I understand." 

You bow and you head back toward your apartment to gather your things. Running through the town with great haste. Not paying attention to where you were walking you bump into someone. 

"Y/n? What's wrong?" 

You look up and see the silver haired man. You shake your head and just walk past him but, he grabs your arm. You turn toward him and he stares down at you. Seemingly wanting answers and wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. 

"Look, I need to get going. So, if you please let go of my arm that'd be great." 

"Ah, right sorry. Where are you off to?" 

"Back home."


Kakashi's figure loomed overtop yours and you shivered in response. Kakashi noticing your change quickly stepped back.

"Well, then have a safe trip. It was nice meeting you." 

Kakashi said and waved goodbye. You watched him head toward the Hokage's mansion. Must have gotten back from his mission you thought. You quickly run off and pack up your things. Once your fully packed you decide to head on the road. 

"Y/n-san! Wait up!" 

A familiar high-pitch voice said making you turn around. 

"Naruto? What's up?" 

"You are leaving?!" 

"Yes. My time here is over."

"Awww man. Will I ever get to see you again?" 

You crouch down to his level and rub his hair. Making him giggle in response. 

"Maybe, we'll see." 

"Well, here take this before you go." 

You look down and see a small pastry item. You grab it and exam it. 

"It's a sweet bun. I thought you'd want something to eat along the way." 

"Thank you, Naruto." 

With that you walked off onto your journey. It was peaceful walking back, listening to the birds chirp and the leaves dance through the wind. Feeling a little peckish you decide to eat the sweet bun Naruto gave you. It was sweet inside and soft outer. You toss the wrapper into your backpack. As you walk you begin to feel dizzy and your eyes grow heavy. You fall forward and hit the ground. In the distance you see a figure walking toward you. 

"Damn it." 

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