Chapter 1: A Brand New Beginning

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My vision was hazy, and I wasn't able to move, but I was still able to see someting, but I'm still not sure if what I saw was human, or something else. It was moving around the building that I'm supposedly in, It was so fast that a normal human will only see it as a blur. But I was still able to see it, somehow. And when it stopped moving around, it charged at me.

"STAR PLATINU-!" I yelled without even knowing the reason for it. But it was too late, the mysterious thing already striked me, and my vision blacked out.

The next thing I saw was light coming from my computer and I felt that I was sitting in a chair, it was a dream all along.

"I dosed off again didn't I?" I sighed before checking the computer and saw that it was already 11:46 PM.


I sighed again before deciding to actually go to bed and properly sleep. I turned off my Computer and got to bed. Still, there was something off about that dream, every single dream that I had, either I wouldn't be able to remember it or just remember fragments of it when I wake up, but that dream, I could remember it fully, my vision was hazy, but It felt like it really happened.

"But I better not think about it too much, or I won't be able to dream about my waifus when I sleep."

And so I shut off my eyes to sleep, but then something strange happened...I was sure that I laid down in my bed, but after a few seconds, it felt like I was sitting, and when I opened my eyes, I was in a different place, everything around me was dark, and the light around me was faint, but it was enough for me to notice that in front of me was a person, to be exact, a woman, sitting in a white chair.

She had blue and long hair tied into a loop, and wore a dark blue dress, she also had a translucent scarf-like cloth with her. But there was something off, she looked human, but didn't felt like it, but my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke.

"I'm sorry to say this, but unfortunately, your life has shortly ended." She said, which left me confused for a second but then recognized that this doesn't feel like a dream, it's all real. But it got me curious onto how I died. So I replied. "How did I die exactly?"

"For some unknown reasons, you died from a Heart Attack." She replied. That "unknown reasons" made it suspicious but I'm not going to pry on it any further. I was about to ask a question but then got cut off by her.

"Well then, let me welcome you to the Afterlife. I am the Godess Aqua, and I am in charge of guiding lost souls such as you." She stated.

So she's actually a Godess, that explains why she felt a bif off.I was about to speak again but got cut off again.

"Now, you have two options." She stated wich got me curious, so I decided to listen.

"First option, you can rest and go to Heaven. Second option, you can restart your life in your previous World but won't have your memories of your past life." She sated which left me, speechless, I know Heaven sounds nice, and I can think of some memes to do while in there, but, I have a feeling that she still had something to add.

"But..." She said before looking around, looking like she was checking if somebody's listening or looking. "You didn't hear this from me, but Heaven isn't like you Humans portray it to be, you'll just be a spirit basking in the sunlight and you won't be able to do anything, you can't even eat, and you won't have games, anime, sex, or anything at all, the only thing you can do is to talk to other spirits."

Sounds like eternal suffering to be honest.

"So, let me give you an offer." She continued which got me curious.

"What kind of offer?" I replied.

"You can go to another World which needs saving, with your memories and body, and as a bonus, you can take anything with you! And if you do save that World, you can ask for a wish from us, the Gods ourselves! Sounds fantatic isn't it?" She said with an enthusiastic voice. It actually sounds like a great offer.

"So what's the catch?" I said since in offers as good as this, there's always a catch.

"There is no catch!" She replied. 

"So, I can take anything with me?" I asked.

"Yes, you can take anything, from Magic Powers, Magic items, Powerful ablities you name it!" She replied.

"Then..." I thought hard about this since this is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. But then it came into my mind. "So...can I have a Stand, more accurately, Star Platinum?" I asked hoping that it woukd be possible.

"Very well, you can have Star Platinum as your stand." She replied. And I can't believe it! I'll be able to summon Star Platinum as my stand! Imagine the stuff I could do with that Powa! "Well then, I shall begin transporting you to your New World. Goodluck, we are counting in you to save it."

Then a glowing circle started to appear beneath me and I got lifted up, the last thing I saw was Aqua waving at me before my vision became insanely bright.

A brand new World, a brand new life, I wonder who I'll be able to meet in that brand new world. Well even if I do meet someone, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to talk to them very easily. And now that I think about it more clearly, Aqua, she was actually quite beautiful.

Then my thought was interrupted by my vision blacking out, and I saw the light coming from the sun. My vision started to adopt to the light and became clearer, that was when I saw that I was in a road. I was able to see people, but a lot of them weren't human, some had tails and ears, and I also saw carriages being drawn by...dragons of som sort. So that confirms, I'm in another world!

But, I still had to test something. I imagined my somewhat soul, and visualized Star Platinum, that was when a tingly feeling came into me, and at last, it was standing right beside me. "Star Platinum!" I shouted, without anybody caring about it, surprisingly.

Then I wanted to check if I can fully control Star Platinum. I tried throwing a right jab in the air using Star Platinum, and it responded as clearly as I wanted it to, then I continued with a left kick, and it had the same result. That confirms it, Star Platinum really is my stand now. So I called it back and decided to explore, I'll have to gather some info since I'm in a brand new world, and from my experience from anime, I'll have to find something similar to a place where people can sign up to be an adventurer.

And so my brand new life begins with a chance to become the Hero of this World. I don't see a possiblity that this could go wrong...I just jinxed it didn't I...hopefully not.


Aaand that's it for this chapter. I may or may not have dragged the scene with Aqua a bit too long, idk. But that's all for today, hope you enjoyed.

And also, do take note, Subaru is going to be in the story, since his ability will play a mjor role into Y/N's character growth, in what terms, Personality or Ability, who knows? Nyo-ho~

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