Chapter 5: Rem and Ram Part 1

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As my eyes were slowly opening again, light began to fill it; Is it the middle of the afternoon or somethin'? Probably. 

Then, as my eyes were slowly adapting to the light, the environment around me started to become more clear; I was able to see that I'm inside a cart or something, and when I looked around a bit more... I'm freaking high up! Wtf! 

I looked around to see where I really am, and saw that around me, or at least below me, are things that you can find inside an amusement park. And by the looks of it, I might be inside a Ferris wheel. 

"How did I freaking get here? I don't remember going to an amusement park, and I'm pretty sure there's no amusement parks like this that can be found near where I'm living." I muttered to myself. But then, I realized that the color of the environment was a bit odd, I know that amusement parks are supposed to be colorful, but the trees around me, is not in freaking season, the leaves are kind of pinkish with a bit of purple,  and there's no other seasons in the Philippines other than wet and dry season. " Wait, hol' up, this place, this scenario... This freaking happened in Jojo as well, I think... Could it be! Impossible! This is..." Just as I was about to finish what I was saying, I suddenly felt like someone, or something was behind me. I slowly turned around to see what it was with a bit of hesitation, and saw a familiar figure, a stand that you do not want to see inside a dream. A humanoid looking stand dressed in a black coat with shoulder pads and a big collar, along with gauntlets in its hands and also, it's wielding a freaking scythe!

"Lali ho~" It cheered, while I immediately got off from what I was sitting from, and tried to make some distance from the stand, a.k.a. Death Thirteen. Then, it spoke again. "Welcome! You are in my dreamworld of death, Y/N!!!" 

Oh freak, I'm doomed, I'm alone at my apartment, I'm pretty sure no one's going to wake me up. Freak, freak freak freak! How am I going to get out of this? 

Then, my train of thoughts were interrupted when the the stand immediately swung its scythe at me. " Ah shit..." I muttered to myself accepting my inevitable death. But before the scythe reached me, my vision went black for a split second before becoming completely white. It was too bright, but fortunately for me, my eyes started to adjust to the brightness and my surroundings became more clear, or at least what I was looking at, which was a ceiling. White ceiling with fancy accents of a color similar to gold... I know I might be forgetful sometimes, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the ceiling on my room, heck, I haven't seen this kind of fancy schmancy ceiling in any place I've been to!

So... Where the hec- 

"Oh, he has awakened, Sister." 

"Indeed, he's awakened, Rem."  

My train of thoughts was interrupted by those voices... Feels like I'm a villain or somethin', like awakening once more...

"Awaken my Maste-" 

"It seems he had a nightmare, Sister."

"It appears so, Rem."

Are they like, right beside me? There voices sounds very close to my left side, and of course, they saw me just waking up... Is this some kind of hospital or something? Also, have they been watching me? 

Right now, all I can see is the ceiling, and some curtains at my right side... Uhh... Crap... As much as my curiosity is tempting me to see what they look like, I'm too scared to turn around at my left side and check, making eye contact isn't what I would want in this situation... 

"He's not making any kind of movements, Sister."

"Indeed he is not, Rem. But he is indeed breathing."

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