Chapter 2: Natsuki Subaru Part 1

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I wondered along the town to see if I can find a building that looks like a place where adventurers can register. A normal person would ask around the poeple walking around the streets, but for an introvert like me, that's just close to impossible. 

But after wondering around for approximately 20 minutes, I heard people screaming "LOOK OUT!" But it wasn't for me, so to my curiousity, I checked where the poeple are screaming at and saw a girl that was laid down on the road, she probably tripped while walking and somehow ended up on the road. And what's worse was that there's a speeding carriage that would definitely hit her if it doesn't stop.

So without hesitation I used Star Platinum's legs to shorten the distance between me and the  opposite side of the street where the girl was laying, since I was on the opposite side I needed a way to reach her before the carriage does, so this was a perfect opportunity to test Star Platinum's ability. 

As I reached the sidewalk, I called out Star Platinum and tried to activate it's ability. "STAR PLATINUM: THE WORLD!" As I yelled it out, everything around me seemingly stopped, the birds stayed afloat in mid-air, dust stayed still around the carriages that appeared to have stopped. It worked! After checking that time really had stopped, using Star Platinum's legs, I immediately jumped beside the spot where the girl was lying at, and grabbed her, then I thrusted upwards at the direction where the sidewalk was, but at the same time, time has already continued to move again.

"Looks like I can only stop time for maybe about half a second huh." I said to myself before landing at an open spot where not that much poeple was gathered. After landing, I let the girl go. But, I immediately felt fatigued,  looks like the time stop took a bug toll in my body, I wouldn't be surprised considering that I haven't used Star Platinum that much, and now I just stopped time, it was only for half a second, but it already took a big toll to use. 

The girl noticed me panting hard. "A-are you allright?" She asked.

"You don't have to worry, I'm fine. But, how about you though? Does anything hurt?" I replied.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." She stated. And so, I regained my posture and looked if she was allright, and it appears that she doesn't have any injuries, which put me into relief. "Your welcome." I replied which somehow put a slight blush on her face. 

Then I remembered something, I saw someone wearing clothes that looked like a tracksuit while I was checking if time had really stopped when I used Star Platinum's The World, he was right on the sidewalk and was posing like he was casting magic or something, but nothing really happened. So I looked at the spot where I saw him, and he was still there, but he was looking at me as well, looks like he noticed that the clothes that I'm wearing isn't from here.

But then my thought were interrupted when the girl beside me spoke. "Say, can I have your name?" 

"Yeah, my name is Y/N, Y/N L/N." I replied.

"Again, Thank You for saving me, Y/N." She said. Which I replied to with a smile. But there was something I had to do, so I said my goodbye to her and crossed the road, to approach the person with the tracksuit. 

"Yo!" I greeted. 

"Yo!" He responded. "You were transported into this world aren't you?" He added.

"Yeah, and I would believe that you were transported here as well." I replied.

"Correct, and..." He said before raising his right arm to the air. "My name is Natsuki Subaru! Nice to meet you!" He added, wich left me surprised for a second, but then I responded. "Nice one. And so I shall respond. My name is Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you too." I replied after stricking a pose, namely Funny Valentine's pose, since it was the Jojo pose I could think of at that time. 

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