Chapter 4: The Girl Named Satella

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"STAR PLATINUM: THE WORLD!" I shouted as I summoned Star Platinum and activated it's ability to stop time. Then, I can see Elsa, halted from moving while she was trying to strike me. So, I took this oppurtunity to use one of Star Platinum's signature moves.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" Star Platinum yelled as it threw a barrage of punches at Elsa.

As time started to flow again, Elsa crashed to the wall that she flew from, and landed outside the building. "It's... Still a mystery to me how you hit me this quickly. It all happened in a single instant. Speed? No, I'm starting to believe it's not as simple as speed. But, no matter what it is, it still excites me~." Elsa stated as she tried to regain her posture, but she was only able to crouch because of the damage she took.

"That's a mystery you don't need to dwell in to-" I replied before suddenly feeling pain from my the side of my stomach. I checked it, and saw that my shirt was tainted and was a bit ripped to the side, and when I lifted it up, I saw that I had a wound at the side of my stomach, thankfully it wasn't that big, but it was still bleeding badly and it hurts like hell. Even if it won't help that much to stop the bleeding, I still tried to cover it with my hand. 

"Uhuhu~ I got you~." Elsa stated. 

I looked at her and saw that she was already able to stand up. She's freaking tough huh? That's going to be troublesome. 

Then, she rushed at me, and tried to attack me again, but thankfully, I was still able to block it with Star Paltinum. My wound is a problem, and it hurts like hell, but if I want to win this fight, I'll have to ignore the pain and turn to offensive. And I did just that. After blocking her attack, I immediately used Star Platinum to punch her, but because of my current position, I was only able to punch her in the face. She was launched a couple of meters bakwards but was able to recover and regain her posture and was ready to attack me again.

"That's it~." She commented while rushing at me. Looks like she was psyched by me punching her in the face. 

Time to ignore the pain and be aggressive. I approached her as well and she tried to slash me again but this time when I blocked it, she was already ready to throw another strike and she did just that. She was able to continuously give out multiple number of attacks with little window to prepare a block, and to make it worse, I can't really directly block her attack. Her barrage of attacks kept on until I was able to find an opening. I made use of this opening and tried to punch her using Star Platinum, but I was too late, she was already about to strike my face, but thankfully I was still able to dodge it, it still left a wound on my cheek though.

"Tch. That was fucking close! A bit too close for comfort." I commented which made Elsa grew a smirk. 

"Next time, I won't let you dodge~." Elsa replied.

The pain in the side of my stomach is getting worse. This is bad, If I let the wound bleed any longer, there's a possiblity that I'll lose too much blood. Then, she rushed at me again, looks like she's planning to do another barrage of attacks. She did just that, but while I was blocking her attacks, In the corner of my eyes, I saw a girl with what looks like white hair, and wearing a white dress, she was was pointing both her hands at us with her palms were open. What is she planning? Maybe casting a spell? If that's the case then, I think I have a plan. 

When Elsa was doing her attacks, I spotted an opening, this time, I'm not just going to try and attack her. I grabbed the chance to land an attack on her, and this time, using my own leg, I tried to sweep her feet, but she was able to dodge it by jumping in the air. If what I'm assuming is correct, she should be able to hit her with this-...

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