Chapter 6: Rem and Ram Part 2

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My name is Y/N L/N, suddenly, while I was about to go to sleep, I was transported to a different world by a Goddess. I was given a chance to bring anything with me on this world so I chose a Stand from Jojo, more specifically, Star Platinum. 

After arriving onto the world, using my new ability, or my new Stand, I saved a girl from almost getting hit by a carriage; Afterwards, I approached a guy on the side of the street from where I saved the girl because he had clothes that doesn't fit on the aesthetics of the world that I am now in -which was like medieval style- and found out that he has also arrived from the same world as mine, his name was Natsuki Subaru. "From Japan ey?" 

We then talked about our situation and exchanged Jojo references with each other. But when we got to an "apple" shop, he then asked me to follow him to an old warehouse to help his friend, named "Satella". A bit of trading action went on, and I had to beat a creepy lady using Star Platinum, but in self defense I add. But I did not manage to do a flawless run, and I passed out after our fight were intervened by a guy who looks like the average overpowered knight or something.

After passing out, I was taken care of by a girl I helped that tried to help me, named Emilia. Apparently, she healed my wounds that I got from fighting that creepy lady, named Elsa, and took me to a manor where I "encountered" two Maids, Rem and Ram, and...

"Y/N!!! PLEASE! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Subaru shouted as he bowed to me, which honestly, absolutely, startled me. "Please, Y/N! I know you've already helped me when we were at the Warehouse, and it got you in danger, but please, I really need you help." He added. 

"Alright alright, I'll help you out. You don't need to bow like that." I replied while scratching my head since this is a bit surprising to me and I don't know how to react. 

Subaru then went back to his normal posture. "Thank you Y/N." He said.

"Yeah, no problem. So what do you need help for, exactly?" I asked. 

He then started explaining his situation. He then explained to me how he died four times already, since he only comes back in time when he dies; But apparently, he came back to the time when he first woke up in the mansion, after coming along with Emilia when she took me here. So that means that when he slept on the mansion for the first time, it acted as his Checkpoint or something similar to that concept. He also explained to me that he isn't exactly sure about the reason that he died for the first time in the mansion; He said that it happened suddenly when he slept. But his guess was that he was probably cursed. But he's not sure who cursed him.

And also, his second death was because of Rem, the Blue Haired Maid distrustful on us. He then suggested that maybe, by working on the mansion, we might be able to gain her trust, or be able to find a way to gain it.


I was left speechless. To think that Subaru already died four times on this mansion was already shocking, but to hear that the Maid of this Mansion, an "innocent" looking maid did "that". Subaru had it rough huh? There's no way I'm not helping him after hearing all of this.

"So to gain her trust, or to find a way to gain it, we have to help or work on the mansion huh?" I commented. 

"Yeah." Subaru replied.  

"Fair enough. I'll just ask Emilia then if I can help around here a well." I said.

"Thank you for your help Y/N!" Subaru replied while lowering his head again. I'll just have to accept that at this point.

"I'm glad I can help." I commented. "Well, I'll just go and explore the mansion then." I added.

"Want me to give you a tour?" Subaru asked.

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